How Many Milliliters Are In A Glass

How Many Milliliters Are In A Glass
How Many Milliliters Are In A Glass

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Accurate measurements are not always readily available during routine daily cooking. Therefore, it is sometimes very useful to know, for example, what is the volume of an ordinary glass.

How many milliliters are in a glass
How many milliliters are in a glass

The volume of any vessel is measured in liters; milliliters are used for an ordinary kitchen glass.


A glass is one of the popular measures that housewives actively use in the cooking process, along with teaspoons and tablespoons. So, in many recipes, the volume of measured liquid required for a particular dish is determined precisely in glasses.

It should be borne in mind that, despite the wide variety of types of this dish that can be found in hardware stores today, we are talking about a standard faceted glass made of glass. It appeared in the kitchens of Russian citizens back in the Soviet years, however, even today it can be purchased without any special difficulties in any dish store. Even if you do not plan to use it for its intended purpose - for drinking tea, coffee or other drinks, it may be useful to you precisely as a measure of volume.

Glass volume

The standard way to measure the volume of a vessel is to make this measurement with water. This is also convenient because, due to the relatively low density in comparison with some other liquids, the nominal values for the weight and volume of water are usually the same.

As a result of the measurements made, it is quite easy to find out that a faceted glass filled exactly to the rim, which is sometimes called a risk, will have a volume of 200 milliliters. If you pour it to the top, the total volume of the glass will be 250 milliliters.

When measuring the volume of other liquids with a glass, it should be borne in mind that the ratio of volume to mass in them may be different compared to water. So, a number of liquids are denser: thus, having filled the glass to the rim, you will receive an amount of liquid, the volume of which is still 200 milliliters, but the weight is slightly more than the 200 grams that such a volume of water weighs.

For example, you will get such results if you fill a glass to the rim with liquids such as honey, which weighs 265 grams for a given volume, condensed milk, which weighs 360 grams, sour cream, which weighs 210 grams. And liquids close to water in density will weigh almost the same, for example, milk, vinegar and the like. Therefore, you should carefully monitor what kind of measure is indicated for a particular product, measured with a glass, in the recipe, so as not to be mistaken with the right amount and not to spoil the finished dish.
