Why Do Flies Start Biting In August

Why Do Flies Start Biting In August
Why Do Flies Start Biting In August

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As soon as the warm season comes, various insects appear on the street, including the ubiquitous buzzing flies. All spring and most of the summer, flies behave peacefully, but already in August, on the eve of autumn days, they begin to bite, and quite painfully.

Closer to autumn, not all flies begin to bite in Russia, but only flies
Closer to autumn, not all flies begin to bite in Russia, but only flies


Step 1

Once people believed that the aggressive nature of flies in the autumn is explained by their premonition of their own death. Firstly, this is far from the case - flies do not die by themselves by autumn, because by the spring they need to produce numerous offspring. Secondly, only certain types of flies bite, and not everything in a row. The fact is that with the arrival of the autumn cold, the number of so-called autumn flies - aggressive flies that are carriers of the causative agents of sepsis, anthrax and other diseases - also increases. It is they who bite people, and the bites of these parasites are very painful.

Step 2

Autumn flares bite people in order to stock up on the protein they need for the whole winter in order to reproduce healthy offspring by the spring. Curiously, in the “hungry year”, stinging flies have to bite not only people, but also animals, and even feed on carrion! Outwardly, the autumn flare resembles an ordinary housefly with a body length not exceeding 7 mm. This fly is colored gray with dark stripes on the chest and specks on the belly. The proboscis of these creatures are strongly elongated forward, at their ends there are plates with several chitinous "teeth" - rough elements necessary for burners to feed.

Step 3

Autumn flares sit on the victim's skin and start rubbing their proboscis against it. This friction allows them to scrape off the top layer of the skin (epidermis) and feed on fresh blood. The pain is caused by poisonous saliva admitted into the wound, which causes a strong burning sensation. Both females and males feed on blood. In fairness, it should be noted that the bulk of flies, of which there are more than 5 thousand species around the world, feed on plant sap, rotting fruits, manure and other feces of animals and humans. By the way, it is poisonous saliva that is the main difference between flies and ordinary house flies.

Step 4

These insects are highly prolific creatures. The female lays up to 400 eggs in a heap with manure, in decaying products, in the wounds of animals (and even humans). Throughout the winter, larvae develop in them, and already in early spring a new generation of flies appears. Throughout the summer, these flies can be observed in large numbers in places where domestic animals (pigs, cows, goats, chickens) congregate. That is, the permanent shelter for these parasites are pastures, farms, hacienda, etc. In the cowshed or in the pigsty, the burners have all the conditions for feeding and reproduction. But this is only for the summer period! By the fall, flies begin to feel a lack of protein, which prompts them to go to the city and attack people there.
