There is nothing stronger in the world than a mother's prayer for her child, and it is difficult to believe that a mother can consciously curse the fetus of her womb. But it happens that maternal words that have escaped even in the heat of the moment have a destructive effect on the entire human life.

A mother's curse is the cause of an imbalance in the energy balance
In a fit of quarrel, even the most innocent phrase, which was shouted out unconsciously, can trigger the mechanism of destruction of the biofield and lead to the most sad consequences. According to psychics, mother and child have an unbreakable bond at the level of subtle matters. They are, as it were, an energetic continuation of each other, and are under an invisible mutual influence until the end of their lives. They say that mother and child are tied by invisible threads, and therefore a curse, even accidentally pronounced, can come true and turn into a great misfortune for both of them.
According to popular beliefs, it is believed that a mother who cursed her child takes a terrible, indelible sin on her soul, which will oppress the whole family for several generations. The ancestral curse is regarded as an energy-informational disease, and such a negativity can be removed only in the church, turning to a priest for advice. A conversation with him will help to identify whether the mother's curse actually exists on a person, or whether it is self-hypnosis based on a lack of understanding in the family.
A mother's curse scientifically
From a scientific point of view, the fact of inflicting a curse is not seriously considered at all. But such sciences as psychology and psychoanalytics do not doubt the great influence of self-hypnosis on the human body. This phenomenon has been used since ancient times to carry out all kinds of rituals. A curse is perceived by a person as a strong negative emotion that disrupts the usual perception of the world and leads to a malfunction in all body functions, both physical and psycho-emotional.
If a person has convinced himself that a mother's curse is present on him, then the roots of this must be sought in his childhood. Perhaps the reason for this was not a very close relationship with the mother, unspoken grievances, or the emotional coldness of the relationship. In such a situation, life failures, the reasons for which, most likely, were lack of confidence in character and lack of determination, can be attributed to the presence of a mother's curse, and instead of looking for a reason in themselves, people go to healers and sorcerers to remove the mythical "spoilage".
It should be understood that if a person lives in harmony with himself and the world around him, it is very difficult to negatively influence him and force fate to develop contrary to his desires and intentions.