What Not To Do In Case Of Fire

What Not To Do In Case Of Fire
What Not To Do In Case Of Fire

A fire is a serious stressful and life-threatening situation. It is very important not to panic if you find yourself in this situation, and not to make common mistakes that could cost you your life.


Ask for help

If you find yourself at the scene of the fire, first of all call the numbers "01" or "112", tell them where you are. A specialist at the other end of the line will guide you according to the situation, tell you exactly what to do.

In case of fire and fire, first of all, you need to soberly assess your strength and come to terms with the loss of property. Many people, trying to save the most valuable things from their point of view, said goodbye to life. Do not put out the fire before calling the firefighters (always call the fire department first), especially do not extinguish electrical appliances with water if they are energized.

Do not try to hide from fires in pantries, closets, or simply in the corner of the room. Even if the fire doesn't reach you, the heat and smoke will do the trick, making it much more difficult for firefighters to find you.

You can't panic

During a fire, you should not try to leave the apartment through a smoky staircase, you may simply suffocate. You should also not use the elevator or go down the various ropes, sheets or drainpipes found at home from floors that are higher than the third.

Try not to open doors and windows, as this will only intensify combustion, increasing traction. In no case should you jump out of the window in the absence of firefighters, most likely you will simply be injured if you do not part with your life.

If suddenly your clothes are on fire, and you cannot quickly take them off, you must fall and roll in attempts to bring down the flame. Remember, if you continue to stand, the fire will spread very quickly to your face and hair, from where it is very difficult to bring it down. Never run in burning clothes, as this will greatly intensify the burning.

Necessary actions

Please note that in case of strong smoke and high temperatures, you should not move to your full height at all, it is better to crawl, since much more oxygen remains on the floor, and the temperature is much lower.

If a fire has occurred directly in your presence, you can eliminate the fire with quick, precise actions. However, it is important to act quickly. Remember that flammable liquids (for example, oil) cannot be extinguished with water, use sand, earth, a fire extinguisher, if none of this is at hand, cover the fire place with the most dense cloth soaked in water, preventing the flame from igniting. If you realize that you cannot extinguish the fire, close the windows and doors, blocking the access of oxygen, and quickly leave the room. After that, report the fire to your neighbors as soon as possible and call the fire department if you have not already done so.
