Humanity is regularly frightened by the end of the world. A nuclear war, an epidemic, a meteorite fall or the landing of aggressive aliens - there are quite a few apocalypse scenarios, but the bottom line is that no more than 10% of people living today will survive. What can you do to be among them?

Required stocks
To meet the end of civilization fully armed requires careful and comprehensive preparation. The sooner you start preparing for the apocalypse, the more chances you have to survive, so there is no need to delay. First of all, you need to provide yourself with a supply of food and drink. Expect for up to three to four months, since food and water will become one of the main values not only directly at the time of the cataclysm, but also for a fairly long period after it.
The most anticipated end of the world was to take place on December 21, 2012. This day was the last in the ancient calendar of the Maya Indians, and mankind was preparing more seriously for the apocalypse than ever before.
Naturally, preference should be given to products with the maximum shelf life, so as not to renew stocks every three months. In addition, medications, dressings, sources of electricity, warm clothes, matches, ropes, and several pairs of shoes may be useful to you. Don't forget knives, including at least one canning knives. Get a large enough backpack and put together an evacuation kit in case you need to leave your home urgently.
Survival skills
It is possible that your existing skills will not be enough to effectively survive in an extreme situation. However, until the world collapsed, there is time to develop all the necessary skills. Sign up for first aid courses, shooting range, survival courses, gym. It will be nice to learn how to shoot with a bow or crossbow. The situation is more than likely in which only those who are armed will survive.
It is not worth making stocks of gasoline, as it loses its properties rather quickly. The maximum shelf life of gasoline under ideal conditions is no more than a year. Better get a transport with a diesel engine.
Safe place
One good way to survive the end of the world is to build a safe haven. Ideally, of course, it is an underground structure with autonomous energy sources, ventilation, huge reserves of food, water and medicine, but in reality it is simply irrational to create such a shelter, since the likelihood of the end of the world is still quite low. But to equip a country house for a long stay in a place remote from the city is not so senseless. It is not difficult to make an additional supply of food and medicines at the dacha, and given that it is better to wait out cataclysms away from a large crowd of people and equipment, a country house is an excellent option for shelter.