When Will The World End And Why

When Will The World End And Why
When Will The World End And Why

Any universe, galaxy, solar system has an expiration date: universes pulsate - expand and contract, galaxies collapse, pass through each other, and stars eventually "burn out". Scientists and theologians agree that the end of the world is inevitable, but the date and reason are not known to anyone. They interpret this event in different ways.

When will the world end and why
When will the world end and why

Christian apocalypse

The end times are described in great detail in the Revelation of John the Theologian. According to traditional Christian teachings, earthly life is a test of the spirit, all mankind must go through this path to the end. Before the end, people will be given signs that “those who have ears will hear”, they will ponder and they will have time to repent, the rest will remain in ignorance and the judgment of God will take place over them.

According to the prediction of Saint Malachi, the end of the world will come after the death of the 112th Pope, i.e. after the death of the incumbent Pope Benedict XVI.

The signs of the Apocalypse are what the seven angels will announce with trumpet voices. They will trumpet when the Lord commands them to do so. The first sign - hail and fire mixed with blood will be poured on the earth, the second - a huge flaming mountain that will plunge into the sea. The third sign is the star "Wormwood" that has fallen from the sky, the fourth is the eclipse of a third of the sun and moon, so that the day will look like night. The fifth sign is a star from the sky, which will be "given the key to the depths of the abyss." Smoke will come out of the well, it will eclipse the Sun and the stars, poison the air, and locusts will come out of the smoke, which will harm only people for five months. The sixth angel will have to free four angels bound by the Euphrates River. Then the seventh angel will announce that the "mystery of God" has come true - the Day of Judgment has come. After this time, there will be no more - the end of the world will come and the Last Judgment will take place.

Scientific versions of the end of the world

The most accurate date - the end of the world will come in five billion years, when the Sun increases in size, turns into a red giant and engulfs all the planets of the terrestrial group. This process will not be instantaneous, before it the Sun will grow for a long time, humanity will have time to develop technologies and move to another solar system.

Alternative: after two billion years, tectonic processes will stop, the earth's core will cool down, the atmosphere will evaporate.

Scientists predict a closer end of the world due to increased solar activity, intense melting of the Arctic ice and the subsequent shift of the magnetic and geographic poles. As a result of tectonic disturbances, all volcanoes will wake up, earthquakes will begin, and giant tsunamis will come. These events will be catastrophic for all mankind, only a few out of billions will be able to escape.

Ozone holes, which are already recorded around the globe, will increase in size and cosmic radiation will kill all life on the planet in a matter of days or months. The same can happen if the Earth loses its magnetosphere for a short period of time.

2021, according to some scientists, may be the last in the history of mankind, because the inversion of the magnetic poles should be completed by this time.

The fall of a giant asteroid, comet, or collision with another planet. An unlikely outcome, but scientists are closely monitoring the movement of the largest and most potentially dangerous cosmic bodies that can arrange a premature Armageddon for humanity.

One of them, the asteroid Apophis, should pass dangerously close to Earth in 2029. Modern "prophets" claim that he will cause the end of the world.

One of the 20 supervolcanoes existing on the planet can wake up at any time, its eruption will cause an unprecedented earthquake and tsunami. The most dangerous is currently the Yellowstone supervolcano with a caldera 150 kilometers long, which began to show signs of life after the earthquake in Alaska in early 2013.
