Does Money Make A Person Free

Does Money Make A Person Free
Does Money Make A Person Free

Dependence on the employer and the chronic lack of money for a certain category of Russians have become a reason for looking for easy and quick income. Is there freedom without money? Does money give you freedom? It is hardly possible to give an unambiguous answer to these questions, but it is possible to speculate.

Does money make a person free
Does money make a person free

With the development of market relations and the departure from the planned economy of socialism, the Russian citizen had the opportunity to earn money in unlimited quantities, which was immediately taken advantage of by enterprising and creative representatives of the brain elite.

The desire to become a millionaire, and possibly a dollar one, haunts many immature minds. There is a strong relationship between big money and unlimited freedom.

Why you need to be a millionaire

The passive expectation of "manna from heaven" is characteristic of the Russian mentality. This can be clearly seen in Russian folklore, for example, take Emelya from the fairy tale "By the Pike's Command." For most Russian dreamers, money acts as a kind of pike that can fulfill all the most ridiculous desires, right down to the walking stove.

But reality is far from a fairy tale, and hardly anyone will succeed in catching a million from the hole, unless an unexpected inheritance falls, which is also more like a fairy tale.

But you need to earn a million.

How to make a million

You can only earn a million by working. Strange, but all the ways to make money quickly, offered on the Internet, did not make millionaires either the applicants or the gurus of the info business themselves.

Real money is hard work. In Russia, there are legal ways to earn really large sums of money, for example, these are stock exchanges. There is also a sector of real production, but it is more difficult to break through there, since all niches have long and firmly been occupied.

Earnings on stock exchanges are real, but for this it is necessary at least to know exchange rates, master strategies, and be always in a state of activity.

Is freedom with a million real?

Millions earned require a lot of attention. It can hardly be considered freedom to constantly monitor the situation in the stock market or maintain a positive balance of productive assets.

Dependence on money, both on excess and on lack thereof, is the absence of freedom. There is no point in expecting material gains in order to become free - it will just be another level of dependence.

Thus, the conclusion suggests itself: freedom within a person. Freedom can be called the absence of problems with money, but this already depends on the specific needs of a person.

By and large, the ability to meet needs with money forms the freedom of the individual. But the personality forms its own needs.
