How To Make Money On A Paid Number

How To Make Money On A Paid Number
How To Make Money On A Paid Number

Table of contents:


Any organization can connect to the paid number service. This is especially true for those who advise consumers. And also for trade concerns and publishing houses that conduct polls and competitions.

How to make money on a paid number
How to make money on a paid number


Step 1

The service of connecting a paid number is provided by the providers "Audiotele", "Rostelikom" and "MTT". Before concluding a contract, decide which phone you need. They are 11-digit and 4-digit. The former are more difficult to understand, and accordingly, fewer users will be able to call you. But they are cheaper. The latter are easily remembered by viewers and listeners. And the price for allocation and rent, respectively, is higher.

Step 2

Sign a contract with the provider and discuss the payment for the number. Remember that the partner deducts from fifty to sixty percent of the cost of the call. The rest of the money is transferred to your account.

Step 3

To make money on a paid number, it must be advertised. Advertising on the Internet is especially relevant, due to its low cost and large audience coverage. Find specialized sites for whose users the services you provide would be interesting. Choose the type of banner - static or dynamic. Static ones work better, since a person who visits the site sees it in front of him constantly and can pick up the phone and make a call at any time.

Step 4

If you provide legal services and wish to advise the public, you can advertise the number for calls free of charge. To do this, contact the editorial offices of regional and district newspapers. There are very popular headings like "advice of a lawyer". You will be required to answer a few questions that readers have sent to the editor. This material will be published along with the contact numbers by which you can be contacted. If the articles are in demand, they will be printed in every circulation of the publication.

Step 5

If you are a brand manager of a large trade concern and you are tasked to popularize a paid number, make changes to the content of an existing commercial on television or radio, adding new information there. This will save you money on new content production and additional placements. Firewalls and billboards are not worth using. The person concerned may simply not have time to record the phone, passing by in a car or rushing to work.
