Which Steel Is Best For A Hunting Knife

Which Steel Is Best For A Hunting Knife
Which Steel Is Best For A Hunting Knife

Steel is the main indicator of the quality of the entire knife. Since it is very important that the blade is made of strong and durable material and does not require sharpening after each use on the hunt.

Which steel is best for a hunting knife
Which steel is best for a hunting knife

Choosing a hunting knife is a rather difficult task. Modern shops offer a huge selection. The most important thing that distinguishes a hunting knife from a beautiful souvenir is that it is made of a certain material.

Selection criteria for hunting knife steel

Hunting knife blades are made of high-carbon steel. The hardness of the knife is measured in special units, which are designated HRC, and depends on the carbon content in the steel. It is necessary that the hardness of the hunting knife is at least 60 HRC. The higher the carbon content in the steel at the blade, the higher the hardness of the knife blade, and therefore, it retains the sharpness of the cutting surface for a long time.

You can find out about the amount of carbon in steel by looking at the marking of the knife: 420 means less than 0.6%, 440 A shows 0.75%, 440 V contains 0.9%. The most popular steel from which hunting knives are made is 440 C. Even with a relatively low hardness of the knife, this steel remains elastic. And thanks to the addition of components such as chromium and molybdenum, it has excellent anti-corrosion properties. It is easy to sharpen and retains the sharpness of the blade for a long time.

Types of steel for a hunting knife

There are several alternatives to 440 C steel. The most common of these is CPM 440 V. This steel is obtained by high-temperature forging of a powder mixture of metals. She perfectly holds the sharpening of the knife. In terms of its wear resistance, it is many times superior to traditional steel 440 C. But the big disadvantage of such a knife is a rather complicated sharpening.

No less famous are 440 C - 155CM and ATS - 35. The first model is made of steel of American origin, the second - of Japanese origin. They are considered to be some of the finest steels available today. The hardness of such steels is 60 HRC. They have excellent flexibility and are easy to sharpen. The main disadvantages are low anti-corrosion properties and a rather high cost of steel.

The famous Damascus steel is in great demand. It consists of bundles of steel rods forged into strips with a certain carbon content. A multiple number of times these strips are twisted, and then forged again. The quality of the knife directly depends on the number of strips. This sophisticated processing of steel gives it incredible flexibility and strength.

Unusually beautiful patterns are clearly visible on the knife blade. In terms of quality, it has no equal. The main drawback is its high price, reaching several hundred thousand rubles. Basically, knives made of Damascus steel are made for museum exhibits. In everyday life, they quickly lose their beauty.
