There are several price ranges for band sawmills, each of which has the best representatives of this equipment. To choose the most reliable machine, you need to decide how much lumber will be processed.

The band sawmill is the equipment that is designed to bring profit to its owner. It performs many operations demanded by the consumer: from sawing logs to precise cutting of thin strips. Powerful band sawmills are intended for a fairly large business, for private owners and small farms, chain machines are more suitable for sawing wood.
Best Band Sawmill for Small Business
For small volumes of work, sawing machines with manual or automated material feeding are the best choice. They are the cheapest. However, it is on such band sawmills that the entrepreneur gains experience in sawing and monitoring the work process, determines how it will be organized. On average, the cost of this equipment is 4-9 thousand dollars. It is possible to work with it only for the domestic market, since the productivity of the machines is 2-2.5 thousand m3 of wood per year. This is subject to work in two shifts. The best models of this plan are: Wood Mizer, Master, Cedar, Umka. Known for the accuracy of their sawing machines "Urman 6" (average price of 133 thousand rubles) and "Titan 1000" (average price - 180 thousand rubles).
Choosing a sawmill for medium and large businesses
There is undoubtedly reliable sawmill equipment capable of processing large volumes of lumber, but only in the upper price bracket. Its cost increases depending on the engine power and the size of the moving group (pulleys). On such sawmills, you can install much wider and stiffer saws that cut as accurately, smoothly and with less waviness. These powerful saws are extremely expensive. For medium-sized businesses, focused primarily on the domestic market, such equipment will pay off only in a few years.
One of the best is the powerful LT70 Remote band sawmill. It is designed for large and medium-sized businesses, equipped with a control panel, electronic ruler, hydraulics for loading, feeding, turning and pressing large-sized lumber. Its cost is more than 1.5 million rubles.
This sawmill has a lot of advantages: with the help of an electric drive, the band saw can move in horizontal and vertical directions, from a separate control panel, full control over the sawing process is carried out, the saws are washed and lubricated in automatic mode, the productivity is up to 2 m3 per hour. Currently, this band sawmill is considered one of the most worthy.