How To Make Flour Glue

How To Make Flour Glue
How To Make Flour Glue

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Despite the huge variety of wallpaper adhesives available in stores, flour or starch adhesives are still popular. Unlike purchased ones, it allows you to stick wallpaper even to surfaces covered with oil paint or varnish.

How to make flour glue
How to make flour glue


  • - rye or wheat flour;
  • - water;
  • - plate;
  • - tableware;
  • - wood glue;
  • - PVA glue;
  • - gauze or sieve.


Step 1

Use coarse rye or wheat flour to cook the glue. In extreme cases, you can take any other flour, but the adhesive properties of the finished paste in this case may be less pronounced.

Step 2

Dissolve 200 grams of flour in a cup with a little cold water. Try to avoid lumps, for this add water gradually, until thick sour cream or kefir, and knead thoroughly with a spatula or spoon.

Step 3

Pour a liter of water into an enamel pot and bring to a boil. While stirring the water with a spoon, gradually pour the diluted flour into it. Pour the solution in a thin stream so that fewer lumps form.

Step 4

Stir vigorously for 2-3 minutes, then remove from heat. Leave it to cool at room temperature to 30-40⁰C, then strain through cheesecloth or a sieve. Please note that if you use the paste hot, the pattern or paint on the wallpaper will deform.

Step 5

To improve the adhesive properties of the solution, add PVA glue or wood glue to it, at the rate of 10-20 grams per liter of paste. In this case, dissolve the flour in cold water and add to boiling water, stirring constantly. Separately dissolve the glue in water and pour it into the resulting paste. Continue cooking the mixture, making sure to stir all the time. When the paste starts to take on a bluish tint and bubble, remove it from heat and cool.

Step 6

If you need light-colored wallpaper and need transparent glue, use potato starch instead of flour. Cook it in the same way as flour paste.
