How To Fasten A Bar

How To Fasten A Bar
How To Fasten A Bar

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For a long time, strong wooden houses have been erected in Russia. They built, as they say, "without a single nail," but soundly and for centuries. And in our time, a log house is held in high esteem, especially a cobbled one. The timber fits well into the rows and gives insignificant shrinkage, and the principle of operation "without a single nail" is relevant here more than ever.

How to fasten a bar
How to fasten a bar


Step 1

Only details are hammered together with nails, not walls, since the nail holds the structure tightly. The connection of the timber in the wall should not, and cannot be, a rigid structure. A certain mobility is provided here, because the tree is gaining, then giving up moisture throughout its life. In addition, nails will rust and deteriorate over time.

Step 2

If you nevertheless decide to save time and money and fasten the timber with nails, then at least use special nails without a head (for example, 6-ku wire) and be sure to sink them. Previously, the upper beam is drilled through with an ordinary drill.

Here you need to remember that a miser pays twice: in a bathhouse built on nails, you will now and then caulk the cracks.

Step 3

Usually the timber is fastened with wooden dowels. The dowels are square bars 18x18 mm. The length varies depending on the size of the bar (no more than 25 cm). Use a special drill to make holes with a diameter of 21 mm and drive the dowels into them, which should be staggered. Drill the beam through and through.

Step 4

It is good to use round wooden pins with a diameter of up to 3 cm for fastening. The main function of pins in a log house is to prevent horizontal movement of the timber relative to each other. The pins are placed one above the other so that 3-4 rows can be fastened at once. When installing the dowels, keep in mind that the hole for the dowel must be located strictly vertically, be of no less diameter and sufficient depth. The wood dowel is quite elastic and does not allow the wood to crumple in the hole.

Step 5

There is one more way to fasten the timber - with the help of the "Force" spring assembly. By design, it is a screw with a built-in compression spring. Such a system allows you to eliminate gaps between the parts, pressing the bars against each other with great effort. The "Force" spring assembly is mainly used for balanced shrinkage of the rims of the structure, preventing deformation and cracks. True, this method is quite expensive.
