Man's dislike for insects has been going on, perhaps, since he began to arrange for himself the first semblance of a dwelling. As soon as a fly, ant or cockroach appears in the room, it can be considered that war has been declared. But why does this rule apply to all flying and crawling creatures, except for the spider, because most people do not kill them.

Step 1
Spiders symbolize well-being in the home. Since antiquity, these creatures have been revered, attributed to them mystical properties. Despite the fact that the presence of cobwebs in the corners only testifies to the negligence of the hostess, many believe that such a subtle "trap" can catch and keep happiness. Interestingly, it is considered a particularly good omen if the spider settled right above the sleeping bed. Accordingly, if you kill a spider, you can frighten off future prosperity.
Step 2
Trouble can be brought on. There is a legend according to which the Virgin Mary with her husband Joseph and the baby Jesus hid from the soldiers of King Herod. Once they took refuge in a cave with a spider web hanging over the entrance. The soldiers passed by, deciding that no one could hide in such an abandoned place. Thus, the family was saved. It is interesting that not only in the Christian religion there is such a tradition. Therefore, it is believed that by killing a spider, you can attract misfortune and misfortune.
Step 3
Health problems will arise. In ancient times, spiders were often used for healing and in magical rituals aimed at healing the sick. For example, in Russian villages, childhood illnesses began to speak of them. The animal was held over the child and said: "Spider, die yourself, take the disease with you." Perhaps that is why the opinion was formed that these arthropods protect the inhabitants of the dwelling from ailments and damage, therefore, in no case should they be killed.
Step 4
Good news will not reach. There are many signs, and not just Russians, associated with spiders. So in France, it is believed that a spider seen in the morning is good news. And if he accidentally fell on his head, the information received will be material in nature.
Step 5
However, there is another superstition. According to him, by killing a spider, you can atone for 40 committed sins. Of course, none of the signs can be scientifically confirmed or disproved, so everyone decides for himself what to do if these creatures are wound up in the house. Fortunately, poisonous spiders are extremely rare in our latitudes.