Can You Get HIV If You Have Sex With A Condom?

Can You Get HIV If You Have Sex With A Condom?
Can You Get HIV If You Have Sex With A Condom?

HIV is a serious infection that has become a real problem in the 20th century. You can get infected through semen, blood, vaginal discharge and in other ways. Most often, infection with the virus occurs through sexual contact. A condom is not a 100% guarantee that infection will not occur.

Can you get HIV if you have sex with a condom?
Can you get HIV if you have sex with a condom?

What are the chances of getting infected

A condom is the best way to protect yourself from sexually transmitted diseases, in particular HIV, but not ideal. Unfortunately, the ideal method simply does not exist. If your partner is infected, the risk of getting infected by having regular sex with him for a year is about 10% - this is quite a lot. In the case of a one-time contact, the risk is much less, but it is there.

It is important to note that a high-quality condom itself reliably protects against the virus, but when using it, various unforeseen accidents are possible: it can break, slip off, and so on. It is these accidents that usually lead to infection.

Condoms made of latex are most effective against various infections. The most dangerous are products made from organic materials - specially treated ram intestines. This is a rather exotic type of condom, but it is quite common in some areas. Such products practically do not protect against any infections. Latex has a thin but denser membrane that the virus is unable to overcome.

The reliability of condoms for protection against HIV is a topic of much serious research around the world. Protection is considered to occur with an 85% chance or better. Condom manufacturers also do their own research, they usually show better results. In their opinion, a condom protects by 97%.

Condom use

It is important to note that a significant part of the problem with condoms lies in their incorrect use, this reduces protection sometimes by 30%! In the worst case, the condom simply breaks.

Be sure to carefully read the instructions for the condom and practice putting it on before intercourse. Some human mistakes are disastrous. For example, sometimes inexperienced condom users wear two products at once for better protection. In no case should you do this!

It is recommended to use a condom with a germicidal lubricant, it reduces the risk of contracting any disease.

HIV in Russia

Worldwide, the most popular way to contract HIV is through unprotected sex. In Russia, the majority of people (78.6%) acquire this disease through injections - with joint intravenous drug use. Sexual contact is in second place.
