To verify the authenticity and true value, the diamond is best taken to a jewelery specialist, certified gemologist. But to distinguish a rough counterfeit, glass, cubic zircon, quartz, lead crystal, you can use simple tests that do not require special equipment and knowledge.

- - book or magazine;
- - flashlight or laser;
- - magnifier or microscope.
Step 1
If the stone is not in the setting, place it on the page of a book or magazine, right on top of the text. Since diamonds refract light very strongly, you will not see any lines or letters through them. The glass or crystal will act like a magnifying glass, allowing you to see the font right through the stone.
Step 2
Shine a laser LED or a directional flashlight inside the stone (it is quite possible that you have it on your phone or key fob). See if the light is coming out from the back of the stone - if you only see a light spot around the rim, it's most likely a diamond (diamonds greatly distort the light rays inside, so they don't pass through).
Step 3
To check the authenticity of a diamond, try breathing on it and see if a hazy mark appears. Both glass and quartz and cubic zircon are momentarily covered with a hazy haze, unlike diamond. Note that the musanite stone also passes this test.
Step 4
Take a close look at the diamond. In a real diamond, inside you can see small inclusions, edges, edges, tiny particles of other minerals. They testify to the naturalness, although the low quality of the stone. Please note that there will never be bubbles inside the diamond.
Step 5
Assess the general condition of the stone. The facets of a real diamond will not be worn or rounded; only glass can look pitted and broken. At the same time, when you see a completely clean, without a single inclusion of a stone, think about it - most likely, it is quartz.
Step 6
Find out how much similar diamonds should be worth. If stones are too cheap for you, don't risk it. It is best to buy diamonds and polished diamonds from specialized stores that guarantee quality.
Step 7
Remember some rules: real diamonds are rarely mirrored. If it is inserted into a piece of jewelry, its back is always open so that it can be viewed from all sides.