Progress does not stand still. Treading by leaps and bounds, evolution spares nothing. The active development of information technology has affected literally all aspects of the life of a modern person. Progress in the field of mass communication has significantly increased the boundaries of the transmission of information and reduced the time during which it reaches the addressee.

Step 1
One of the oldest ways to transfer information is through mail. This method is characterized by a special duration. The object of information is written text on a sheet of paper, which must be placed in a postal envelope. The subject is an agreement between the person who wishes to transfer the information and the postal organization, which undertakes to deliver it to the addressee. In this way, both text information and any other information recorded, for example, on an electronic medium, can be transmitted.
Step 2
The most popular method of information transmission is voice. It can be carried out with the help of various cable communications, such are landline telephones, with the help of advanced cellular communications, and using the services of the Internet. If the first method is intended only for the transmission of voice information, then the second already provides the widest range of services. With the help of cellular communication, you can transfer audio, graphic, text and even video information.
Step 3
When using the Internet, the word "limit" can be forgotten altogether. Any type of information will be transmitted to the desired addressee in a matter of seconds. To use this transfer method, special programs and components have been written that have a convenient user interface. The purpose of such programs is the same - the transfer of information over the network. Such, for example, are Skype and ICQ.
Step 4
The Skype program is designed to transmit mainly informational information. A wide range of functions also allows you to transmit text, graphics and sound information.
Step 5
ICQ is a client that transmits a text form of information. The mobile version of this program is more popular.
Step 6
Social networks have gained the most popularity. Their functionality is almost limitless. With their help, as in the previous cases, you can transfer any kind of information. However, such services are available only to registered users. This also applies to the above programs.
Step 7
Another method of transmission is via e-mail. It can be started on almost any Internet search resource. The user who is the recipient must also have an email address. For transmission, the recipient's email must be written in the "To" column, the "Subject" column, in principle, can remain empty and the "Message" field is filled with the necessary text that must be transmitted. To transfer information of a different type, click the "Attach" tab, in the window that appears, select the desired graphic image, audio or video file and upload it to your mailbox. After downloading, click on "Send", and the information will reach the addressee almost instantly.