How To Check Text Nausea

How To Check Text Nausea
How To Check Text Nausea

There are many elements of good SEO promotion, and one of these elements contributing to the successful promotion of a resource is the text nausea indicator. What is it and how can it be controlled?

How to check text nausea
How to check text nausea

Text nausea concept

The nausea of the text means the ratio of the frequency of use of a keyword in a text document and the volume of the document itself. It is worth noting that the term means not only the frequency of repetition of a key phrase or key segment, but also the frequency of repetition of any word from a specific key phrase.

For example, in an article with the key query “installing doors”, the frequency of words from the key phrase (“installation” and “doors”) will be lower than the frequency of using the word “lock”. In this case, the page's relevance to the search engine will decrease, and as a result, the page's chances of ranking will decrease.

One of the most common ways to calculate text nausea is the so-called. "Classic" method. Nausea is calculated by this method by finding the ratio between the volume of the text and the number of repetitions of certain keywords and segments in it.

Essentially, it is a percentage.

The nausea indicator is calculated using the formula (KS: ACS) x 100 = T (%), where KS is a keyword in its various forms, including case, gender and number, ACS is the total number of words, and T is the nausea indicator itself.

The importance of maintaining normal levels of nausea. How to check the nausea of the finished material?

Today there are many different resources for determining the quality of content, which is formed from various indicators. So, there are many services for checking the uniqueness of materials, as well as their nausea. In fact, all nausea testing sites have the same engine, although some may have a wider range of options.

Professionals recognize that the optimal frequency of the text according to the "classical" method of definition is an indicator equal to seven (7, 0%), with small deviations in one direction or another.

Why is it important to observe the nausea of the text?

Firstly, the nausea of the text affects not only the attractiveness of the material for users of the resource, but also the interaction between the page of the site on which the material is posted and the search robot, which checks this page, giving it the so-called relevance indicator (Russian equivalent " significance ") on the Internet.

As a rule, professional copywriters do not calculate the nausea of the text or the uniqueness - they feel these things at the level of intuition. If a copywriter follows the "write for people" law, the nausea rate is usually low.

Secondly, too high frequency of text can be perceived by search engines as spam, and, therefore, the site containing such a page may not be ranked by the search engine. In some cases, only the page on which the material with too high nausea of the text is posted may not be ranked.
