When Spring And Fall Call Begins

When Spring And Fall Call Begins
When Spring And Fall Call Begins

Table of contents:


Spring conscription - a period of time when a young man of military age can be sent to serve in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. What are the terms provided for the implementation of conscription activities?

When spring and fall call begins
When spring and fall call begins


  • The passport
  • Summons personally signed by the conscript
  • Other documents specified in the agenda


Step 1

Make sure you fall under the age category that is eligible for conscription. The scope of the draft age is established by the Order of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation of October 2, 2007 No. 400 "On measures to implement the decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 663 of November 11, 2006". The specified normative legal act establishes that male citizens of the Russian Federation aged 18 to 27 years are subject to conscription.

Step 2

If your age corresponds to draft, determine if you are eligible for a deferral from military service. A complete list of the grounds on which a deferral may be granted is given in Article 24 of Federal Law No. 53-FZ of March 28, 1998 "On conscription and military service." It includes reasons such as family circumstances, health conditions, education, and others. In addition, it will also be useful to study Article 23 of this regulatory legal act: it contains a description of the categories of citizens who, in accordance with the current legislation, are exempted from military service.

Step 3

If you have found out that, according to the current legislation, you can be called up for military service in the ranks of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, you should familiarize yourself with the timing of the implementation of draft measures established by the current legislation. Thus, Article 25 of Federal Law No. 53-FZ of March 28, 1998 "On Military Duty and Military Service" determines that two draft campaigns are held annually in our country - the so-called "spring" and "autumn" ones. The dates for the first campaign of the year are set from April 1 to July 15, and the dates for the second campaign are from October 1 to December 31. At the same time, the President of the country immediately before the start of each campaign signs a corresponding decree, which sets the timing of its conduct and fixes the number of citizens to be conscripted.

Step 4

Wait until you receive a summons to the military commissariat. Bring your passport, signed summons and other documents listed in it. Also, do not forget all documents and certificates that may confirm your right to receive an extension or exemption from military service, even if they are not indicated in the summons.
