How Argon Welding Works

How Argon Welding Works
How Argon Welding Works

Today, not a single serious construction project can do without welding. After all, metal elements, such as fittings or pipelines, are almost always present in construction projects. Welding work is widely used in industry, automotive, in the production of various mechanisms and in many other industries. Some metals and alloys can only be handled by argon welding.

Welder at work
Welder at work

Welding is a process aimed at creating a strong permanent connection of metal elements by heating, deformation, or by combining these two methods.

One of the most common types of welding is argon welding. Most often, this type of welding is used when working with aluminum. The fact is that aluminum behaves in a specific way when heated and when interacting with oxygen. Argon prevents the formation of a thin film on the surface of aluminum due to its properties that prevent this gas from interacting with oxygen. Due to the fact that the gas exits the welding machine under pressure, it forces oxygen away from the work surface. We can say that argon welding is capable of joining even those metals and alloys that in other cases would be quite problematic to join.

Argon welding technology

The welding machine used in the argon welding process is equipped with a torch equipped with a special refractory electrode made of tungsten. Refractory tungsten begins to melt at temperatures above 3400 C, at temperatures above 5900 C it begins to boil. However, even when heated to extreme temperatures, tungsten remains solid. Sometimes special impurities are added to tungsten to improve performance.

Work rules

First, a "mass" is supplied to the workpiece, as in conventional electric welding. If the welding is manual, then the welder takes the filler wire in one hand and an argon torch in the other. By pressing the button, the burner starts to work, gas and electric current are supplied to it. With the help of high temperature, the two parts of the part are fused. The weld is formed by using filler wire.

Applications for argon welding

Welding aluminum without argon welding would hardly be a comfortable occupation. In addition to aluminum, this type of welding is successfully used when working with copper, as well as various alloys such as steel, cast iron and titanium. Sometimes argon welding is used to process precious metals such as gold and silver.

Argon welding technology is widespread today and is used everywhere. Working with a welding machine also does not cause any particular difficulties. However, in order to do the job efficiently, it is imperative to stock up on a good welding machine, as well as skill and experience in the field of welding.
