Is It True That Beautiful Girls Are Unlucky In Love

Is It True That Beautiful Girls Are Unlucky In Love
Is It True That Beautiful Girls Are Unlucky In Love

There is an opinion that beautiful women are unlucky in love. True or myth, it is difficult to answer, but in fact, men often avoid beautiful girls and this happens for various reasons.

Is it true that beautiful girls are unlucky in love
Is it true that beautiful girls are unlucky in love

Why are beautiful women unlucky in love?

If a girl is beautiful, it would seem that she must definitely meet a worthy man and be happy. But it doesn't always happen that way. The fact is that attractive ladies usually know their worth, so they are very responsible when choosing a life partner. Often they make high demands on the representatives of the opposite sex, the list of which includes beautiful appearance, reliability, high income, social status, degree of responsibility, the ability to show courtship and care for their soul mate.

A beautiful girl meets a man and begins to mentally analyze his compliance with the ideal. As soon as a woman realizes that a man is a little short of her, she immediately breaks all ties with him and goes in search of a new applicant as her lover. Such searches can take too long, and female beauty is never eternal. This can make attractive girls feel lonely.

Besides, some men are simply afraid of beautiful women. They not only hesitate to get to know them, but also worry that a large number of men are claiming the heart and hand of this representative of the weaker sex. At the same time, self-confidence fades, and the man prefers to give up in order to find someone easier for himself.

The third reason why beauties can be unhappy in love lies in their nature. They may be hampered by bitchiness or overestimated self-esteem, which results in loneliness.

Does appearance affect happiness in love?

Of course, if a beautiful girl meets a cowardly man who avoids dating her, she is in no way to blame. But this does not mean at all that she will suffer because of her beauty. Over time, she will definitely meet that worthy person who will not be afraid of competition and will achieve the location of a beautiful lady.

Marital happiness is more influenced by the character and behavior of the fairer sex, and if she does not know how to teach herself correctly, then there is no point in blaming her natural attractiveness for her misfortune. In order not to face unhappy love, you need to learn to control your emotions and have not only a beautiful appearance, but also inner beauty. Beloved will be the woman who herself can give others warmth, care and sincere feelings.
