Where Does The Name "sword-kladenets" Come From?

Where Does The Name "sword-kladenets" Come From?
Where Does The Name "sword-kladenets" Come From?

The explanation for the weapons of the ancient Russian heroes is logical and simple. The name "sword-kladenets" comes from the word steel, which in Old Russian is "way". Who knows, maybe the family way of life has gone from here, because it is something unshakable and durable like steel.

Where does the name "sword-kladenets" come from?
Where does the name "sword-kladenets" come from?

Etymology is an amazing science that allows, on the basis of comparative historical linguistics, to easily and quickly determine the origin of a word. However, according to scientists, amateurs often interfere with its laws and try to establish connections according to their own understanding. Even for specialists who have studied changes in the morphology of a word, it is sometimes difficult to establish the semantic component, and even more so for those who are ignorant of this matter. This is where all sorts of myths are born.

Versions from the field of folk etymology

However, any of the versions has the right to life. The most common one is the comparison of the word “kladenets” with the verb “put” or treasure. The first arose from the association with the power of the sword, which lays (cuts) the heads of enemies to the left and to the right.

The treasure version has several explanations:

- a sword adorned with precious stones, but in Russia the jewels were not called a treasure, and there were no decorations on it;

- a sword, in the steel of which some impurities were added;

- the sword itself is so rare that it is tantamount to possessing it, since they did not know high-quality steel weapons in Russia.

But scientists consider all these options to be nothing more than an etymology invented by the people. Although the version with additives in steel is considered close to the truth. It is also accepted by science that a steel blank for a sword was previously laid by a blacksmith in the ground. But this just testifies to the fact that Russian blacksmiths knew how to make weapons of special quality.

To make a kladenets sword, a craftsman took steel rods of various strengths and twisted them together. Then the workpiece was stretched and flattened, after which it was twisted several more times. When the master believed that he had made a sufficient number of twists, the future sword was immersed in the soil with a special composition.

The laying of the sword was a real ritual, and a hill with a boulder was erected on the surface of the earth. According to various sources, a blank for a sword could be stored in the ground from 5 years to a hundred, after which the sword was subjected to final forging.

What does the Old Russian dictionary testify to?

If you turn to the Old Russian dictionary, you can find the translation of the word "way" - steel. And "stacked" - respectively steel. In Russia they called "Kladenets" not only a warrior's sword, but also a large steel knife for butchering cattle. Some linguistic experts are trying to find a connection between the appearance of this word in Old Russian from other languages. So, there is some consonance with Old Irish claided and with Latin gladius, but these versions are quite controversial.

Experts are sure that in Russia there were blacksmiths-gunsmiths who possessed the technology of making special, durable swords from welding damask steel. For this, the laying of steel on iron was alternated several times, and then forged, repeatedly twisting. If, after firing, some pieces of steel broke off, then the master laid them in a special way and performed the forging operation again and again. It took a lot of time and effort, but the sword-kladenets turned out to be excellent.
