Why The Japanese Are Against The Avengers Commercials

Why The Japanese Are Against The Avengers Commercials
Why The Japanese Are Against The Avengers Commercials

In Japan, a major scandal erupted in connection with the release of the American film "The Avengers" on the screens of cinemas. The advertising slogan, created by the authors of the film, was not to the liking of all residents of this country.

Why the Japanese are against the Avengers commercials
Why the Japanese are against the Avengers commercials

The film "The Avengers" appeared in cinemas in Russia in the spring, and was enthusiastically received by comic book lovers. However, the film arrived in Japan almost six months later, and was immediately received negatively. The reason for this attitude was the preliminary advertisement of the film, part of which was the slogan "Hey Japan, this is a movie" - it was his potential viewers who considered offensive and even racist.

Such advertising was condemned not only by ordinary Japanese, but also by cultural figures of this country. One of the popular Japanese writers, T. Yahagi, refused to go to watch the tape and even called one of the characters a "bastard", motivating this by the fact that in the comics of the 40-50s of the twentieth century, this hero without a twinge of conscience killed the Japanese. The filmmakers responded to the writer, noting that the Japanese, along with the Nazis, were indeed negative characters in the comics, but this has nothing to do with The Avengers.

The Japanese portal Kotaku published the words of the columnist T. Odadzima, who compared this approach of the Americans with the approach of the first colonists who at one time mastered America, saying "Hey, Aborigines, this is culture." The columnist also expressed the hope that this film will not be a success among the people of Japan.

Some viewers nevertheless defended the film, believing that such a scandal only played into his hands, and that the tape should be judged not by the slogan, but by the artistic value of the picture. On one of the Japanese Internet forums, a dispute even flared up, in which one side believes that the slogan and the advertising of "The Avengers" in general are the work of Japanese PR specialists who in this way decided to draw attention to the film.

Japanese tabloids reacted to the scandal with humor: they published an advertisement for one of the new films with the remark - "Hey Hollywood, this is Japanese cinema." How the Japanese viewers will react to "The Avengers", filmed in the United States based on Marvel comics, will become known only after calculating the box office.
