Sapphire: Appearance, Characteristics, Magical Properties

Sapphire: Appearance, Characteristics, Magical Properties
Sapphire: Appearance, Characteristics, Magical Properties

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Sapphire is a gemstone that comes in a variety of colors. In mineralogy, it is believed that sapphire is one of the varieties of corundum of an exceptionally blue color. In the jewelry industry, corundums of any color other than red are called sapphires.

Sapphire: appearance, characteristics, magical properties
Sapphire: appearance, characteristics, magical properties


Step 1

Sapphire has a blue color due to the admixtures of titanium and iron in its composition. In addition to pure blue specimens, there are also so-called “fantasy sapphires”. These stones are orange, pink-orange, yellow, green or pink in color. Colorless sapphires - leucosapphires - are quite widespread.

Step 2

One of the most expensive stones is “star sapphires”. These are minerals with a pronounced asterism effect, that is, when the crystal is illuminated, star-shaped figures are observed, but nevertheless, the most valuable are the cornflower blue minerals of moderate intensity. Deeper and darker sapphires are less highly prized.

Step 3

In terms of chemical composition, sapphire is just aluminum oxide. The stone has high hardness and bright luster.

Step 4

The most famous and large sapphire deposits are located in the United States, Australia, India, Thailand and China. There are no deposits in Russia where sapphire can be mined on an industrial scale. Small deposits are found in the Urals and on the Kola Peninsula. Ural sapphires are distinguished by a grayish tint, sapphires from the Kola Peninsula have an unusual green tint.

Step 5

The main purpose of sapphires is to be used in cut jewelry. Transparent crystals are used as raw materials for the manufacture of scalpels for ophthalmologists. They are also widely used for the production of durable transparent elements: space station windows, protective glasses for optics of missiles and aircraft, protective glasses in expensive mobile phones, watches and cameras. In dentistry, aesthetic sapphire braces are used, in heavy industry - nozzles for abrasive machines.

Step 6

Sapphire is credited with magical properties. Since ancient times, magicians and wizards have chosen sapphire-colored robes. The sacred scarab beetle is blue in color and was revered as a symbol of the power of the Sun. All great people aspired to have sapphire jewelry, including Alexander the Great and Cleopatra. After all, it was believed that this stone can endow its owner with power and wisdom, protect him from enemies and ensure victory in all endeavors. It was also believed that jewelry with sapphires provides the prevention of various diseases and the treatment of existing ones. In the East, sapphire is credited with the ability to recognize lies and strengthen love relationships.
