Why Corn - Queen Of The Fields

Why Corn - Queen Of The Fields
Why Corn - Queen Of The Fields

Corn is a popular cereal plant. It is considered a waste-free cereal, because all its parts: grains, fibers, stems, cobs, cob leaves are used in many industrial areas.

Why corn is the queen of the fields
Why corn is the queen of the fields

Corn is a highly cultivated plant that is not capable of running wild. The plant got its name "queen of the fields" well deservedly. At one time, by order of the Soviet leader Khrushchev N. S. most of the country's popular crops, including rye and wheat, have been replaced by corn.

Areas of application of the "queen of the fields"

Nature has presented mankind with a priceless gift in the form of a unique cereal, which has beneficial properties in the ears with grains, fibers, leaves and stems. The areas of application of the "queen of the fields" include:

- food industry and cooking;

- paper industry;

- pharmaceutical and medical field.

In cooking, corn kernels are used in the preparation of a large number of names of first and second courses, as well as for the production of flour and butter. Corn grits and flour are the basis for many types of baked goods, cereals and puddings that are recommended for pregnant women and nursing mothers. Canned corn is used in a variety of salads.

In the paper industry, tissue paper is produced from the middle of the stem. And the entire stem is used for the production of construction and packaging materials. Corn stubs are used as a material for furfural, solvents, cardboard, environmentally friendly fuels, a composition for cleaning metal parts and even oxalic acid.

Medicinal properties of corn

The unique and waste-free cereal is distinguished by a number of medicinal and useful properties, among which the following can be distinguished:

- improving the condition of the skin and vision;

- effective solution of problems associated with digestion;

- an excellent prophylactic agent for the development of colon cancer, diabetes, obesity, atherosclerosis, as well as for insomnia and depression;

- strengthening the nervous, immune and cardiovascular systems of the body;

- strengthening of teeth;

- elimination of various problems with the liver, gall and urinary bladders (characterized by diuretic and choleretic effects);

- cleansing the body of toxins and excess cholesterol;

- getting rid of joint pain;

- providing effective assistance in the treatment of prostatitis.

Corn is also widely used in dietary nutrition. The "Queen of the Fields" is truly admirable for all mankind.
