Corn is one of the healthy grain crops that has a delicate sweetish taste and special aroma. However, by buying it from unscrupulous sellers, you can get regular feed corn instead of tasty edible corn. That is why, in order not to be deceived, pay attention to the following distinguishing features.

Step 1
Fodder corn is known to be a direct descendant of wild corn. Later, on its basis, food was derived. Due to the fact that fodder corn is less picky and yields good in a temperate climate and fertilization of the soil, it is much cheaper in price. Food, however, requires a special temperature regime and care. The most suitable temperature for her is 20-27 degrees during the day and 14 at night.
Step 2
Unlike edible corn, which has thick and short cobs with large, puffy grains of a light yellow color, forage corn grows in length, and the color of its grains is saturated with bright colors of yellow and orange. In addition, fodder corn kernels are tough and tasteless, and edible corn kernels, even raw, are soft and sweetish.
Step 3
As for the benefits for the human body, fodder corn is not harmful, but you will receive little pleasure from its use due to the complete lack of taste. It takes 2-3 hours to cook, 100 grams of boiled corn contains 120 calories. Edible corn, on the other hand, is very sweet. It takes 10-30 minutes to cook. There are 180 calories in 100 grams of cooked corn. In addition, it contains a huge amount of proteins necessary to maintain the health of the human body.
Step 4
Edible corn is grown exclusively for people, for the purpose of preparing various dishes. It is this kind of corn that is subsequently sold in grocery stores in cans. Fodder is quite suitable for human nutrition, but it is usually raised for feeding cattle.
Step 5
Based on the foregoing, a small list of the distinguishing features of fodder corn can be made:
- oblong ear;
- bright yellow, orange grains;
- due to the hardness of the grains, it is cooked for a long time;
- tasteless.