No matter how high-quality and good a thing is, after a while it inevitably deteriorates and breaks. However, it is a pity to just throw it out, because it has served for several months or years. In this case, you should turn on your imagination and think about what can be done from it. Pick up a few ideas to help you find unexpected uses for your old cell phone.

First of all, do not rush to make something unique from your old mobile phone. Perhaps you can sell it more or less profitably. To do this, you can go to a store that sells used devices, or place an advertisement for the sale of the phone in your local newspaper / internet.
You can also use your old mobile phone for a second SIM card or give it to your grandmother. It will not be difficult for her to learn how to use it if it is not equipped with a lot of functions.
What can be done from an old mobile phone if its case is damaged
In this case, it will be very useful to come up with an exclusive design for an old mobile phone from available tools. For example, you can make an original cover from a pack of cigarettes, knit or sew and decorate with beads.
As a result, you will get a unique piece that you are not ashamed to show off to your friends. In addition, you can try to make an alarm for a car or a USB camera for communication on the network from an old mobile phone.
Don't want to put in extra effort? If so, just give yourself a relaxing self-massage. Activate vibration mode on your phone and enjoy the pleasant sensations.
What can be done from an old mobile phone if its display is damaged
This part of the mobile phone breaks down very often. Should the device fall to the ground one or several times, at best an unaesthetic scratch will appear, and at worst the display will stop showing anything at all. If this is your situation, don't be discouraged.
A damaged display can be replaced with another one. The cost of such repairs for old devices is relatively small. In addition, you can use the device as an independent mobile device for listening to uplifting music.
The only thing you need to worry about is the speakers. If the model is very old, you will need an adapter for the headphone jack on the old device.
What can be done from an old mobile phone if it does not turn on at all
If the old device is completely out of order and does not turn on at all, you can arrange a competition with your friends in throwing mobile phones. Surely you have several friends who also do not know what can be done from an old mobile phone when nothing works in it.
So you can have a lot of fun, and at the same time meet your friends with whom you have not seen for a long time. So, in an open area, place an empty box at a certain distance (for example, 5-7 meters) and start holding a marksmanship competition. Alternatively, you can bet which of you will abandon your cell phone next. Fun and creative!
If this option does not work for you, make a puzzle. Take the old cell phone apart and then try to reassemble it when you don't know what else to do.
In the event that you do not want to break or disassemble your favorite thing, start collecting a collection from old mobile phones. Perhaps in some 10-20 years they will already become a rarity.
Finally, one more idea that may be useful to you: leaving the cover from your old mobile phone, make a cigarette case.