A blood test for the content of narcotic substances is carried out by two main methods. Each of them has its own advantages. One helps to establish a recent fact of use, the other tells about the past.

Step 1
There are two main ways to diagnose blood for the content of narcotic substances. This is a quarterly test and a chemical toxicology study. The quarterly test helps to establish the fact of the use of drugs such as opiates, cannabinoids, amphetamines, barbiturates, cocaine, ephedrine.
Step 2
As a result of complex processes of transformation of the primary drug in the blood, antigens are formed. Antibodies are produced in response to antigens. The purpose of the quarterly test is to detect these antibodies.
Step 3
Antibodies can persist in the blood for 3-4 months, therefore this is an extremely informative analysis. It will help establish fairly long-standing facts of use, and this is the strength of the test. However, the quarterly test is not an assistant in establishing the actual fact of drug intoxication, because antibodies are not produced so quickly.
Step 4
In addition, a single episode of use will not be enough to generate antibodies. Multiple samples should take place. Therefore, the most appropriate quarterly test will be for drug addicts, and it will also perfectly complement the results of other tests.
Step 5
Another group of methods for testing blood for drugs is chemical and toxicological. They are similar to those in the study of urine. Such testing will be able to establish the fact of drug use, if not more than 72 hours have passed.
Step 6
With the help of chemical-toxicological methods, it is sometimes even possible to establish the percentage of the narcotic substance per unit volume of blood. It is not an instant test, it takes a long time to render the results. The laboratory is also required to deliver special reagents.
Step 7
In some cases, it is possible to establish the quantitative ratio of the drug per unit of blood volume. This drug testing is not a rapid method. Delivery of blood to the laboratory and the use of special laboratory reagents and equipment are always required.
Step 8
Blood sampling for research can be carried out directly at the workplace, subject to the delivery of special equipment. It is also possible to order blood sampling for analysis at home. The injection site is disinfected, after the procedure, the patient is given a cotton pad to stop bleeding.
Step 9
For a chemical-toxicological study, blood is taken either by gravity into a dry vial, or vacuum tubes are used. These tubes are special devices for rapid blood collection. One end of a vacuum tube is inserted into a vein, the other is pierced the membrane of the tube.