What Drugs Are Included In The Military First-aid Kit AI-1

What Drugs Are Included In The Military First-aid Kit AI-1
What Drugs Are Included In The Military First-aid Kit AI-1

One of the most important functions of any military man is considered to be the preservation of people's lives, but, as a rule, not only someone else's, but also his own. For this, each soldier has an individual first aid kit.

What drugs are included in the military first-aid kit AI-1
What drugs are included in the military first-aid kit AI-1

What is AI-1

First of all, it should be said that there are several standard individual first aid kits that are in use at the moment. These are the compositions AI-1, AI-2, AI-3 VS, AI-4. One of the AI-1M subspecies can also be distinguished.

Directly individual first aid kit of the first composition (AI-1) is designed to eliminate severe injuries and injuries due to radiation, chemical and bacterial injuries. As a rule, such a first aid kit is compact and fits easily in a pocket.

Composition of the individual first aid kit AI-1

This first aid kit is divided into seven sections. Each such section contains one drug. For convenience, it is customary to distinguish them by color.

So, in section No. 1 there is a syringe tube with a strong analgesic agent. At the moment, "Promedol" is used. This drug is narcotic, therefore, as a rule, it is not placed in the first-aid kit, but is issued upon special request. It is used for severe pain that can be caused by extensive burns or bone fractures.

Section # 2 contains Taren. This tool belongs to the class of prophylactic organophosphate substances such as sarin and soman. It comes in pill form and takes effect 20 minutes after ingestion. Instead of "Taren", "Athens" or "Budaxim" can be used. This product has a red cap.

Section 3 contains "Sulfadimethoxin", which is an antibacterial agent and is used to prevent infectious diseases after radiation exposure. The product has a colorless cap.

Section No. 4 contains Cystamine tablets, which are a radioprotective agent and are used for injuries by ionizing radiation. The set includes two pencil cases with a red cap.

Chlortetracycline with nystatin tablets are used as an antibacterial agent. They are especially effective against infectious diseases such as plague, cholera and anthrax. At the moment, the drug "Vibromycin" is widely used. The presented products are in section 5 and have colorless packaging.

Section 6 contains the potassium iodide radioprotective agent. It is designed to block radioactive iodine that can enter the body during fallout.

As a rule, the last section contains "Etaperazine", which has an antiemetic effect, and is applied after irradiation. Sometimes "Dimertkarb" is used instead. Both substances are in blue cases.
