After parties with the presence of alcohol, the morning appearance of fumes is not excluded. In addition to the headache, it is also the fact that the people around you smell the smell along with you.

Step 1
Greens help to bring down the fumes. You can freshen your breath for a while by chewing parsley or dill. Saves from fumes and bay leaf, but chewing it is not very pleasant. Bay leaf can be replaced by brewing large leaf tea. It is good to eat fatty soup and drink grapefruit juice. Chewing gums are temporary, but pick fruit flavors from a variety of flavors over mint flavors, which only add to the bad smell.
Step 2
A short-term effect is given by rinsing with saline. Dissolve 0, 5 or 1 teaspoon of salt in a glass of water and rinse your mouth thoroughly. To maintain the result, repeat the procedure several times a day. Lemonade with mint and honey will help neutralize the fumes. Cut a 5 mm thick lemon wedge into cubes, rub a couple of mint leaves in your hands to give juice. Put everything in a glass of water and add 0, 5, or 1 teaspoon of honey. Mix well and add a couple of ice cubes.
Step 3
If you are going to party with a lot of alcohol, think about the possible consequences in advance. Do not mix drinks of different colors and degrees. Try not to exceed your "norm", or even better, give up alcohol altogether. If not without alcohol, then before going to the party, drink a glass of milk. When the party is over, take a couple of activated charcoal tablets. The fume will be weaker if you do not abuse cigarettes the day before.
Step 4
Find an escape from the fume at the pharmacy. There you will be offered tons of effervescent hangover pills or persistent mouth fresheners. However, they are not able to 100% rid you of the unpleasant odor for the whole day. If you have tried enough remedies, and, as it seems to you, there is practically no fume left, still beware of getting behind the wheel, otherwise yesterday's oversight will turn out to be an unpleasant surprise for you from the traffic police.