Why The Climate Has Changed

Why The Climate Has Changed
Why The Climate Has Changed

Climate change has become noticeable. Increasingly, there are jumps in air temperature, the melting of glaciers becomes noticeable, and the level of the world ocean rises. Earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, hurricanes and floods are increasingly occurring. The causes of climate change lie not only in natural processes.

Why the climate has changed
Why the climate has changed

The planet's climate is constantly changing. It is mainly formed by the Sun. Due to the uneven heating of the earth's surface, winds and ocean currents arise. Increased solar activity is accompanied by magnetic storms and a noticeable increase in air temperature on the planet. The climate also depends on changes in the Earth's orbit and its magnetic field. The planet's seismic activity is increasing, volcanic activity is intensifying, the outlines of continents and oceans are changing. All of the above are natural causes of climate change. Until some time, only these factors were decisive. This also includes long-term climatic cycles such as ice ages. Focusing on solar and volcanic activity, given that the former leads to an increase in temperature, and the latter to a decrease, one can find an explanation for half of the temperature shifts before 1950. But over the past two centuries, another factor has been added to the natural causes of climate change. It is anthropogenic, i.e. arising as a result of human activity. Its main impact is the progressive greenhouse effect. Its influence is estimated to be 8 times stronger than the influence of fluctuations in solar activity. This is what scientists, the public and heads of state are so concerned about. The greenhouse effect is easily observed in greenhouses or greenhouses. It is much warmer and more humid inside these rooms than outside. The same is happening on a planetary scale. Solar energy travels through the atmosphere and heats the Earth's surface. But the thermal energy that the planet emits cannot penetrate into space in a timely manner, because the atmosphere traps it, like polyethylene in a greenhouse. So the greenhouse effect arises. The reason for this phenomenon is the presence of gases in the planet's atmosphere, which are called "greenhouse" or "greenhouse". Greenhouse gases have been present in the atmosphere since its formation. They were only about 0.1%. This turned out to be sufficient for a natural greenhouse effect to arise, affecting the thermal balance of the Earth and providing a level suitable for life. If not for him, the average temperature of the Earth's surface would be 30 ° C lower, i.e. not + 14 ° C, as at the moment, but -17 ° C. The natural greenhouse effect and the water cycle in nature do not support life on the planet. The anthropogenic increase in greenhouse gases in the atmosphere leads to an intensification of this phenomenon and a disturbance in the balance of heat on Earth. This has been happening for the last two hundred years of the development of civilization and is happening now. The industry created by it, automobile exhausts and much more emit into the atmosphere a huge amount of greenhouse gases, or rather about 22 billion tons per year. In this regard, global warming occurs, which causes a change in the average annual air temperature. Over the past hundred years, the average temperature of the Earth has increased by 1 ° C. It seems that not so much. But this degree turned out to be quite enough for the melting of polar ice and a tangible rise in the level of the world ocean, which, naturally, leads to certain consequences. There are processes that can be started easily but are difficult to stop afterwards. For example, the result of the melting of the subarctic permafrost was the ingress of a huge amount of methane into the planet's atmosphere. The greenhouse effect is increasing. And the fresh water of the melting ice changes the warm current of the Gulf Stream, which in turn will change the climate of Europe. It is clear that all these processes cannot be local in nature. This will affect all of humanity. The moment has come to understand that the planet is a living being. It breathes and develops, radiates and interacts with other elements of the Universe. It is impossible to deplete its bowels and pollute the ocean, it is impossible for the sake of dubious pleasure to cut down virgin forests and divide the indivisible!
