Why The Clock Is Changed

Why The Clock Is Changed
Why The Clock Is Changed

In Russia, the clock hands have ceased to be translated since 2011. This was the initiative of the then President Dmitry Medvedev. But in other countries, this tradition still exists. The clock hands move forward one hour each year on the last Sunday in March.

Since 2011, Russia has remained to live in the "summer" time
Since 2011, Russia has remained to live in the "summer" time

Every last Sunday in March in many countries of the world, people switch to "daylight saving" time, ie. they move their clocks forward one hour. But already on the last Sunday of October, people switch to "winter" time again. Then they return the hands of their watches to their original position (one hour back).

Why is the clock set?

This is done for several reasons. First, the clock is adjusted in order to lengthen the daylight hours, as well as to combine the resulting result with the administrative time. Secondly, it saves energy and resources. According to some reports, the figure for such savings is almost 2% of energy consumption in one year. It should be noted that the veracity of this fact remains in question. Thirdly, the reason for shifting clocks is a certain restructuring of human biological rhythms.

As polls have shown, the third reason is of the greatest concern to many Russian citizens. After all, the body's biorhythms are changes in the nature and intensity of certain biological processes and phenomena that are repeated periodically. Doctors generally say that human biorhythms of physiological functions are so accurate that they can be safely called a "biological clock". One can imagine what discomfort some of the people living only in the "winter" time have been experiencing recently.

Why did they stop translating clocks in Russia?

For a long time, during each year, before the next translation of the arrows, messages appeared in various information sources about the benefits and harms of these restructuring of biorhythms for people. In addition, they found that the energy savings caused by moving the clock are so small and negligible that they are not worth it. In the end, the State Duma of the Russian Federation adopted a bill according to which Russia was left to live in the "summer" time.

The reaction to the law of time was not long in coming. This caused a whole storm of negative emotions and indignation among specialists of various levels. Under the new law, the entire country is now one hour ahead of standard time. In addition, some Russian regions do it two hours in advance. In simple terms, noon in some cities actually occurs at 10 o'clock in the morning.

Since then, repeated attempts have been tried to switch to "winter" time. For example, in 2012, a bill was introduced to the State Duma, according to which the clock hands in Russia should be set back one hour, i.e. for "winter" time. However, it did not pass. At the beginning of 2014, the media started talking about the fact that the deputies were developing a bill on the transition of Russia to standard time. The president even promised to conduct a social survey and research the opinions of citizens across the country, and then bring the calculation of time into line. So far, it is difficult to talk about any specific decisions in this area.
