What Should Be The Language Of Advertising

What Should Be The Language Of Advertising
What Should Be The Language Of Advertising

Half a century ago, Soviet people had only two advertising slogans: “Fly by Aeroflot planes” and “Keep your money in a savings bank”. Now it is difficult to imagine any information medium without an advertisement. To attract a potential buyer of a product or service, a short story about it should "hook" the reader, therefore such a text is drawn up according to certain laws.

What should be the language of advertising
What should be the language of advertising

Stages of creating advertising text

Before talking about another new product, the creator of the advertising text must clearly understand who he is, this potential buyer, i.e. define the target audience. It is clear that you need to talk with teenagers differently than with retirees: you will have to choose a different style of presentation, different language means, and the goals of these social groups differ significantly, and this is important. After creating an advertisement, a good author strives not only to convey information about the product to the audience, but also talks about how the quality of a person's life will significantly improve after purchasing it.

It is also necessary to fully possess information about similar goods and services offered by competitors, their specifics, features, strengths and weaknesses. The advertised product should differ favorably in the eyes of a potential buyer from similar ones, and the task of the author of the advertising text is to find exactly these "zests" and tell the consumer about them.

The ad is designed according to a specific marketing model. The most common of these is the AIDA model, which includes 4 steps:

- attracting readers' attention to the text of the advertisement;

- excitement of a potential buyer of interest in the offered service or product;

- formation of a desire to use a service or purchase a product;

- a listing of the actions required for this (where the buyer can contact and how to do it in various ways).

Ad title

The headline is known to be the first thing a potential buyer pays attention to. A catchy, bright phrase that aroused interest makes him study the ad more closely. Thus, a successful headline in advertising is half the success, it is no coincidence that this part of the selling text is given special attention.

There are several rules for creating "working" ad headlines:

1. After reading a good headline, a potential buyer should immediately see the obvious benefits of purchasing a product or service for himself.

2. It is not enough just to arouse the buyer's interest, which is also important. Optimal would be a statement that both arouses curiosity and promises benefits.

3. Be sure to emphasize the innovations and advantages that the advertised product carries.

4. The headline should be in a positive and cheerful tone.

5. Ideally, after reading the headline, the consumer should conclude that he is offered an easy and quick way to solve his problems.

Advertisement text

But no matter how good a headline is, it alone is not able to convey all the information to the consumer, which is why ad copy is also important for commercial success.

The language of the advertisement should be simple: it is worth using short sentences and common words, the meaning of which is clear to everyone. If the ad is aimed at a specific (for example, youth) audience, you can use more expressive words and phrases that are specific to that audience.

There should be no "water" in the advertising text: long arguments, descriptions and enumerations. Only the very essence of the matter is presented. Your ad text should be as compact and dynamic as possible. To do this, you should abandon the use of introductory words, and sometimes even adjectives.

The reader is attracted by affirmative statements. Psychologists have proved that the negative particle "not" is not perceived by the subconscious. Therefore, it is better to refuse it in the text.

Since the purpose of an advertisement is to convey as much information as possible with minimal means, words that evoke positive associations, positive images are used in its compilation. So, it makes sense to replace the neutral-strict word "father" with the more "intimate" word "dad", and the phrase "cozy dwelling" will sound "warmer" than "comfortable apartments".

Another important quality of the advertising language is vivid imagery and originality of presentation. However, the author of the advertising text should not be too shocking, so as not to cause a rejection effect with his "opus".

And, of course, the information contained in the ad must be true.
