Fairy tale characters can easily understand the language of plants and animals and talk to them. After reading magical stories, many in childhood dreamed of such a skill. But dialogue with animals and flowers is possible not only in fairy tales. With proper perseverance, you can learn to understand the language of plants and animals using telepathy.

In order to develop the ability to exchange thoughts, you will need a houseplant that you care for. If you have a favorite on your windowsill that you pay more attention to, choose it. For starters, such a plant will be the perfect companion for you.
Play some nice music to help you relax, light an aroma lamp or aroma sticks that soothe you, sit cross-legged on the floor and place the plant pot in front of you. Try to clear your mind and do not think about anything other than your green interlocutor. Close your eyes and try to visualize the plant in every detail. Then open and compare the imaginary picture with the real plant. Try to memorize as many of the smallest details as possible. Reproduce them in your mental image. Now open your eyes and superimpose an imaginary plant on a real one. Now you will have a subtle telepathic connection with your interlocutor.
Form the message in your mind that you would like to send to the plant. Take a deep breath and as you exhale, send your thought. Imagine how the words come out of your eyebrows and go to the flower in a thin thread.
Now comes the hardest part of the exercise. You have to hear the plant's answer and understand it. Try not to think about anything, concentrate completely on the top of your head and wait for a mental response. It will come in the form of an image, a sudden thought that is not typical for you, or in the form of an unexpected sensation. Your mind will automatically translate the plant's response into a language you can understand. If everything goes well, you can continue the dialogue with the interlocutor.
After you finish your conversation, be sure to thank the plant. Now you are ready to talk to more difficult interlocutors - animals. Proceed in a similar way, and you will be able to enter into a dialogue with any representative of wildlife.