Christianity began after the crucifixion and Resurrection of Jesus Christ. One of its symbols is a pectoral cross worn on the sacrament of baptism by a believer.

Believers who have lost their close and beloved relatives often leave pectoral crosses in memory of the dead. Then, when time passes, and the pain of loss becomes less, there is a desire to wear a thing dear to the heart.
Clergy Councils
The priests of the Russian Orthodox Church do not see anything wrong with the wearing of the cross of the deceased by his relatives. But at the same time, it is noted that the pectoral cross must be buried together with the departed person. If for some reason the cross was left by relatives, you can wear it, it is not considered a sin. Orthodox clergy believe that such a cross does not carry negative energy.
Rather, in their opinion, superstitious fear can harm a person. It is popularly believed that along with the cross of the deceased, his fate can also be transmitted. Few people dare to put on such an adornment without fear. Priests advise not to pay attention to superstitions and think more about how you feel about putting on the cross, and what it means to you.
The meaning of the pectoral cross for believers
The pectoral cross symbolizes Christ's love for people and the sacrifice he made. It reminds of Christian values and serves as a protection from evil. Believers feel more at ease when they put on a consecrated jewelry.
The main thing is that the cross is not a fashionable accessory for you, but a memory of Christ and his great life. You need to wear it with reverence and faith in God. A person's strength is hidden in beliefs, and things only serve as an emotional “anchor” to help mobilize it.
It is believed that the pectoral cross is given at baptism and does not change during life to another. It is consecrated by a priest, prayers read in the temple will always be subconsciously remembered by the person who put it on.
The tradition of wearing the pectoral cross originated from the crosses worn by the followers of Christ in memory of his crucifixion and Resurrection. It is believed that the first was done by the Most Holy Theotokos, who experienced the pain of bereavement.
Since then, Christians venerate crosses and consider them a talisman. They are made from any metal available for processing. Also, crosses can be carved from wood, the material does not really matter.
To wear or not to wear the pectoral cross of the deceased, a person must decide for himself. If fear cannot be overcome, it is better to keep such decoration as a memory, otherwise your fears may begin to come true simply because of belief in it.