Clocks are a must-have for every home. They are not only wall-mounted, but also solar, sand, electronic, wrist, etc. There are clocks in both mobile phones and computers. Why are they so important to humans?

The main function of the clock is to show the time. Thanks to them, a person can plan his day, be in time for various events. If there were no clock, people would be disoriented in time. However, this device also has a number of other useful features. Wristwatches are part of the image of a business person. Therefore, their choice is approached very carefully, often, simply focusing on the famous expensive brand.
Wall clocks are also a stylish decoration, decorative element, complementing the interior of the room. This role can be played not only by wall clocks, but also by small ones that are placed on the table, or floor clocks (most often, such clocks are antique).
The first watches appeared in ancient times. They were a simple stick stuck in the ground. A timeline was drawn around it. The sun was moving across the sky, the shadow of the stick changed position, indicating the current reading of the timeline. This is a sundial.
Later, they were replaced by a water clock, which is very similar to an hourglass. The very first alarm clock was also water, invented by the philosopher of Ancient Greece Plato. Hourglasses are less accurate than sundials, as the grains of sand are crushed over time, and the hole wears out, so the speed of passage of the sand increases. The pendulum clock was created in the 16th century by Galileo Galilei.
Scientists have always strived to improve the watch in every possible way, to increase the accuracy of the readings. Precision is the main characteristic of all types of watches. The deviation of the course from the reference one during the day is an indicator of accuracy. Normal deviation for normal watches is from -40 to +60 seconds per day. For chronometers, this reading is different - from -5 to +7 seconds per day. Quartz watches are much more accurate, their error is 20 seconds per month plus or minus.