What Are The Best Days To Get Your Hair Cut

What Are The Best Days To Get Your Hair Cut
What Are The Best Days To Get Your Hair Cut

"Stereotype!" - someone will say: "A relic of the past, an absurd, unfounded tradition." However, practice shows that following special signs and calculations of favorable days can endow an ordinary trip to the hairdresser with a serious sacred meaning, and the trivial cutting of split ends will suddenly turn into a fateful event, bring health or life changes.

What are the best days to get your hair cut
What are the best days to get your hair cut

Simple Haired Annunciation

There is both a folk and an astrological "calendar" for carrying out a variety of manipulations with the hairstyle. So, according to traditional Orthodox beliefs, the Annunciation is not the time for braiding, forming hairstyles, and even more haircuts, because this can not only negatively affect a person's health in general, but also shorten his life.

Satanic calendar

Every 9th, 15th, 23rd and 29th days of the lunar calendar are considered "Satanic", it is on these dates that your hairdresser will surely suffer failures, the work he has done will become unsuccessful. Avoid Sunday: Try to cancel the entry that hit that day.


The days of lunar or solar eclipses are also not the time to change the hairstyle, because natural disasters that can invade the human biofield not only do not favor the strengthening of hair, but can also harm them by making the lush and attractive hair less dense. Watch the position of the moon: in the constellation Cancer and Pisces, it slows down hair growth, makes them painful and dull.

If all of the above days could not be avoided, and your beloved master is simply not able to accept you outside of your work schedule, try to rely on the state of the moon in your actions. For example, in the decreasing phase, it allows for a change in the hairstyle, if it does not become cardinal, but is a simple trimming of the ends.

It is believed that a haircut on Monday eliminates negativity, Tuesday relieves fatigue, Wednesday is the choice of those who hope for change, Friday is the day of radical, fateful changes.

However, there is a universal rule - cut your hair on the growing moon, this is always for good.


Believe these signs or not - it's up to you. Remember that nervous overexcitement, grumpiness and anger will not bring you healthy hair, no matter what calendars you use, because stress and emotions accompanying a person every day negatively affect hair, make it brittle and naughty.

A variety of diets and malnutrition worsen their structure, and endless painting, chemistry and other experiments with the image can lead to loss. Try to maintain your good mood, always lead a healthy lifestyle, take proper care of your hair and, perhaps, you can become a great arbiter of the fate of your hairstyle.
