Federal Law No. 62-FZ of May 31, 2002 "On Citizenship of the Russian Federation" stipulates that any foreign citizen residing in the country for 5 years from the date of obtaining a residence permit can obtain Russian citizenship. For some categories of foreigners, a minimum stay of 1 year is set.

application form
Step 1
You can take the application form at the territorial office of the FMS of Russia in your city or download it on the official website of the Migration Service at the link https://www.fms.gov.ru/documents/grazhdanstvo. The application is filled out in 2 copies. You can fill it in by hand or using technical means. In the first case, write legibly, without errors. The answers to the questions of the application must be detailed and exhaustive. You must submit documents to the migration service in person; transfer through third parties is allowed only in extreme cases.
Step 2
In the application, indicate the motives that prompted you to apply for the adoption of Russian citizenship; details of your children and spouse; personal data (full name; date of birth; gender; place of birth; citizenship at the time of application; nationality; education; marital status). Next, write the details of all close relatives (parents, brothers, sisters, etc.)., Indicate your labor activity for the last 5 years. It is imperative to write sources of livelihood, this includes salary, income from deposits in banks, pension, etc.; passport data and TIN; residence address; the presence of a criminal record. List all documents accompanying your application.
Step 3
The application is submitted to the territorial office of the migration service at the place of your registration. You will be given a certificate stating that your application has been accepted for consideration. It will be considered accepted from the day when you provide all the necessary, duly executed, documents. If you cannot sign the statement due to illiteracy or lack of knowledge of the Russian language, it is signed by another person. In this case, the authenticity of the signature must be notarized.