How To Fill Out The List Of Preferential Professions

How To Fill Out The List Of Preferential Professions
How To Fill Out The List Of Preferential Professions

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The list of preferential professions is one of the popular programs that is actively used by the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation. She makes lists (lists of preferential professions) for half a year for each reporting period. There are several versions of this program.

How to fill out the list of preferential professions
How to fill out the list of preferential professions


Step 1

The list can be prepared based on the data provided for the previous reporting period. If this data is generated in an xml document, load the document into the program, and then make some changes: the reporting year, the reporting period, the list of names and positions of the staffing table. Click the "Ok" button. You will see how the process of creating a new list is going on. Once it is formed, you can see it in a new window.

Step 2

If you do not have a list of preferential professions for previous periods, create it from scratch. To get started, fill in the necessary information about the organization itself: the name of the organization, registration number, type of activity, type of organization, manager, head of the personnel department and others required to fill in the fields. Once all the details are specified, click the "Save" button.

Step 3

Then proceed to fill in the other intuitive fields. The program is structured in such a way that it will not be difficult to master it. All you need is the documents that are mandatory in the HR department. For example, to fill out the staffing table, fill in the following lines: profession, name according to OKPDTR, number, basis of benefits, position on the list.

Step 4

Next, fill in the list by name: insurance number, full name, retirement date, beginning and end of the period of work, position, profession and grounds for benefits. If there is a need to make changes to the list by name, find the employee you need using the "Find employee" button. The program "List of preferential professions" is designed in such a way that you only need to fill in the required fields, which the program will compile on its own.
