Social rehabilitation is understood as measures taken to restore the vital activity and vitality of a person who, for one reason or another, has dropped out of life. Social rehabilitation is carried out for different categories of people - from those whose opportunities are limited to those who, due to certain circumstances, could not stay afloat.

Social rehabilitation is a whole range of measures that allows you to restore a person in everyday, social and professional activities. In the process of rehabilitation, all aspects are important: medical, psychological, professional, social, etc.
Experts say that social rehabilitation can be conditionally divided into several stages:
- medical;
- medical professional;
- professional;
- labor;
- social.
The first is also called medical rehabilitation. It is the restoration and compensation by medical or other methods of a person's functional capabilities that have been impaired due to illness, injury, or are a congenital problem. For example, people with disabilities can take a set of measures to improve their eyesight, install prostheses, etc. Individuals without a fixed abode are given a physical examination followed by treatment for the problems they have found.
In the process of the medical and professional stage, the ability to work is restored. At this stage, medical rehabilitation continues, and training of professionally significant functions is connected to it.
At the professional stage, a person goes through various courses and training that help to get a profession and improve their qualifications. As a result, a potential employee can find a decent job and even climb the career ladder in the future.
The next stage is labor. Labor rehabilitation involves the employment of the ward and his adaptation to a new working dream.
After that, only the social stage remains, at which a whole list of measures is implemented that are designed to improve the level and quality of life of a person who is undergoing social rehabilitation.
As a result, he receives equal development opportunities with others for participation in the life of society. Different means are used to work with a rehabilitator: technical, pedagogical and others.
Social rehabilitation is carried out by professionals: doctors (neurologists, psychotherapists, therapists, surgeons and other narrow specialists) and social workers. After all, it is they who know exactly how to act, and which rehabilitator is suitable for. Social rehabilitation is carried out for different people. Most of them are, of course, disabled people. People from the street also fall under the influence of social rehabilitation. the so-called homeless people.