Coming to serve in the army, young people find themselves in a new and unusual environment. Newcomers have to get used to a strict routine, master a military specialty, and learn the requirements of the regulations. The course of a young soldier helps to comprehend the wisdom of military service and adapt to army life.

Young soldier's course as a school of army life
The course of a young soldier (KMB) is the first stage of service in the army or in educational institutions of the Ministry of Defense or the Ministry of Internal Affairs. During this initial period, which usually lasts about a month, the soldier undergoes preliminary training and comprehends the intricacies of service. The soldier is taught the rules of conduct laid down in the charter, taught to act competently in various situations related to the service.
During the passage of the KMB, the future warrior also learns the basic techniques of handling weapons.
During the course of a young soldier's course, a soldier finds himself in special conditions that can be called sparing. Even in those units that are not recognized as standards of military discipline, commanders of all ranks show patience, indulgence and concern for young soldiers. Any actions of newcomers are under the strict control of sergeants and officers.
The main role in training recruits is assigned to the sergeant staff. Experienced military personnel become a kind of teachers and mentors who patiently explain to young soldiers all the subtleties of army life. Under the guidance of junior commanders, newcomers learn to walk in formation, take care of weapons and uniforms, study the statutory requirements and rules of conduct among colleagues. All this accelerates the process of adaptation of young soldiers to future conditions of service.
What is included in the KMB
A special place in the course of a young fighter is given to physical training. Unfortunately, modern conscripts cannot always boast of excellent health, athletic build and physical readiness for the harsh military conditions. It is for this reason that sergeants conduct daily general physical training classes, during which the fighters become stronger, become stronger and more enduring.
Perhaps the hardest part for a new recruit is getting used to a tough daily routine. All events and actions in the army, as a rule, are carried out according to a pre-drawn up schedule, in which almost everything is taken into account and regulated, including personal time. The rise and release takes place at a strictly set time.
Breakfast, lunch and dinner also follow a routine that can be difficult for former civilians to get used to at first.
Young fighters spend a lot of time on the parade ground in the first month. Drill training provides more than just an excellent bearing. It also encourages soldiers to become accustomed to discipline and obeying orders. The cohesion of the military collective is being formed in the ranks. On the parade ground, young soldiers are preparing for the solemn taking of the oath. This responsible ceremony usually completes the initial preparation. After completing the course of a young soldier, a soldier is ready to fulfill his military duties.