What Does The Name Natalya Mean

What Does The Name Natalya Mean
What Does The Name Natalya Mean

Natalia is a female Russian name. It is derived from the Latin word natalis and is translated as "native". Also means "born on Christmas", "blessed", "Christmas". Diminutive forms of the name Natalia - Natasha, Natasha, Nata, Natusya, Natunya, Natulya, Natik, Natusik, Tasha, Tata, etc.

What does the name Natalia mean
What does the name Natalia mean

Name and character

Natalia's character is not easy. Since childhood, Natasha has been very cheerful. She is a big dreamer. He takes an active part in all matters, strives to be a leader. Loves to be praised. He loves noisy companies and is happy to welcome guests in his home. At the same time, Natasha is moderately modest and shy. A girl named Natalya knows her worth and rarely tolerates unfounded criticism in her address.

If something does not work out or goes wrong, as she would like, cheerful and friendly Nata turns into a thorny hedgehog. He rarely forgives offenses and does not give all people a second chance. She will never be led by anyone. It is difficult to convince her of something. She is very self-confident and in almost all matters trusts only herself and her intuition, which Natalia is very highly developed. Much becomes clear to her from small details and signs.

Work and career

One of the important goals in Natalia's life is to find her own business, in which she will put all her efforts. Since childhood, she has been attending a variety of circles, sports sections in search of the very occupation to which she will devote her life. Most often, Natalia gives preference to work, which makes it possible to make new acquaintances, apply organizational skills. As a rule, this is a social activity that does not require large loads. For example, politics, journalism, painting, acting, museum work, etc. Whatever type of activity Natasha chooses, she will do everything in it perfectly and strive to become one of the best in her field.

Love and personal life

Natalia is very amorous by nature. However, he does not let everyone close to him. She carefully chooses a life partner. And he will only trust someone who is considered ideal in all respects. Natalia's spouse must be a kind, gentle, tolerant, understanding, loyal person. Able to provide for his family and at the same time give her enough attention. In return, Natalya will give all the best that she has, surround her with attention, care and affection. But she will not forgive treason for anything. Natalia's family will never go hungry. She will be happy to cook dishes of any complexity, will not let guests out of her house until they try her signature fragrant pie or casserole.

From time immemorial, the name Natalya has been considered one of the most common in Russia and the countries of the former CIS. There are also many Natasha in Europe, better known as Natalie or Natalina.
