How To Write Off Metal

How To Write Off Metal
How To Write Off Metal

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As a result of physical and moral deterioration, the fixed assets of enterprises become unusable, which makes it impossible for their further operation in current activities. In this case, it is necessary to write off and dismantle them. The write-off of the retired fixed asset and the metal obtained during its disassembly must be carried out as follows.

How to write off metal
How to write off metal


Step 1

Execute a business transaction to write off the following documents: - an order to appoint a commission to write off fixed assets; - an act on the recognition of a fixed asset as unsuitable for use; - an order to write off a fixed asset with the arrival of scrap metal. The act on the recognition of the fixed asset as unsuitable for use is signed by all members of the write-off commission. Based on this document, an order is drawn up to write off the fixed asset with the arrival of scrap metal.

Step 2

Make entries in the accounting records on the basis of the act of recognizing the fixed asset as unsuitable for use: "Debit of account 01" Fixed assets "(subaccount" Disposal of fixed assets "), Credit account 01 (subaccount" Fixed assets in operation ") - the initial cost was written off of the retired fixed asset. " Debit of account 02 "Depreciation of fixed assets", Credit of account 01 (subaccount "Retirement of fixed assets") - the amount of accrued depreciation has been written off. " Debit of account 91 (subaccount "Retirement of fixed assets"), Credit 01 "Fixed assets funds "(subaccount" Disposal of fixed assets ") - the depreciated value of the object was written off.

Step 3

Make an accounting entry for the posting of parts received as a result of dismantling the written-off fixed asset in case they are useful for use in production: Debit account 10 (subaccount "Raw materials and materials"), Credit account 91 (subaccount "Other income") - included the receipt parts after dismantling the decommissioned fixed asset. The arrival must be carried out at the current market value of these parts.

Step 4

Record metal and parts unsuitable for use in current economic activity, obtained during the dismantling of the fixed asset. To do this, draw up a credit slip in the M-4 form. Make a record of the next accounting metal."

Step 5

Issue a write-off of metal after it has been delivered in metal. To do this, make in the accounting records: "Debit of account 62" Settlements with suppliers and contractors ", Credit account 91 (subaccount" Other income ") - reflected the sale of scrap metal." Debit of account 91 (subaccount "Disposal of fixed assets"), Credit account 10 "Materials" (subaccount "Other materials") - written off the cost of metal and unusable spare parts."
