In 1997, Princess Diana, Queen of British Hearts, died. This grief became common not only for her family, but for the entire nation. She is survived by two children, who will receive their share of the inheritance on their thirtieth birthday. For the eldest, Prince William, that day came in June 2012.

On June 21, 2012, Prince William celebrated his 30th birthday. He is currently on military duty at Valley AFB, so the celebration was family-friendly. On this day, the prince not only accepted congratulations, but also received a gift from his mother, having entered into the inheritance rights of an eight-digit amount. It amounted to 10 million pounds, which is approximately one and a half times more in dollar terms.
Most of Princess Diana's fortune comes from the money she received after her divorce from Prince Charles. The rest is jewelry, securities, real estate converted into monetary equivalent, as well as commissions from using her name as a trade brand. Considering its wild popularity not only in the kingdom, but also beyond its borders, they were considerable.
For a decade and a half since the death of Diana, her sons have received monthly dividends from the investments of her fortune in various funds. This amount is also quite impressive, about 350 thousand pounds sterling. Now, each of the crown princes will receive half of the total trust.
This gift from his mother, who died 15 years ago in a terrible car accident, William intends to spend on the acquisition of the mansion. The prince and his wife, Duchess Kate, have been dreaming about such a large purchase for a long time. They looked after the family nest in the county of Berkshire; there is a mansion for about half of the inheritance received.
It should be noted that the age limit, which Princess Diana herself indicated in her will, was 25 years old. However, three months after her death, when the document was made public, the High Court of England changed it. In order to protect young heirs, the age of receiving money has been increased to 30. Prince Harry has not yet assumed the rights of heir, and the 10 million pounds due to him will become available only in September 2014.