What Freedom Means In A Democracy

What Freedom Means In A Democracy
What Freedom Means In A Democracy

Democracy is one of the greatest creations of humanity. There are many things that can be called the values of democracy, but the main one is freedom. Freedom as the inalienable right of every human being.

What freedom means in a democracy
What freedom means in a democracy

The meaning of democracy

What does freedom mean in a democracy? Before answering this question, one should first understand what the term "democracy" itself means. Literally "democracy" is translated as the rule of the people. However, the opinions of many experts differ on this issue.

Some believe that democracy is a political regime that belongs exclusively to the people. Others believe that power belongs to leaders chosen by the people themselves. All of this reasoning is certainly correct. The people are indeed the driving force, and the leaders are the force that is able to properly govern and respond to the needs of their constituents.

Freedom as the main source of democracy

As you know, democracy has values that make this political regime perfect. The value of "freedom" has always been the most discussed topic throughout humanity. Countries that embarked on the path of democracy, first of all, paid attention to human freedom from slavery and other dependence. A striking example is the American Civil War of 1861-1865, which was started over slavery, after which the United States abolished slavery and proclaimed itself as a fighter for democracy around the world.

Later, the term "freedom" becomes more extensive. At the moment, in many democracies, freedom means not only the abolition of slavery. It can also mean freedom of movement, freedom to express thoughts, to practice your religion. At the same time, a citizen of his country will not be afraid of persecution by the state.

Political parties have always played a key role in democracy. In a democratic state, you can always see many parties, and under a totalitarian form of government, all parties are prohibited, except for one. In other words, democracy brings freedom to various parties, but this can have a bad effect on the state itself, since the opinions of party leaders always differ.

As a result, the voter cannot decide which of these parties is suitable and which is not. Freedom in a democracy can be related to more than just moral aspects. Free trade and free economy are also an important part of democracy, without which the state cannot function normally and meet the needs of its citizens.
