How To Make Decisions Quickly

How To Make Decisions Quickly
How To Make Decisions Quickly

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Dozens of letters awaiting a response, confusion in documents, daily being late for work and even a mess in the house - all this can be the result of inability to quickly make elementary decisions. Indecision literally "eats up" your resources - time, effort, nerve cells, while the skill of instantly choosing the optimal algorithm of actions helps to increase productivity in all areas of life and helps to avoid stress.

How to make decisions quickly
How to make decisions quickly


Step 1

Determine the importance of your task. Ask yourself if the decision you are making affects your career or future life? If not, is it worth worrying so much about it? Sometimes the awareness of the insignificance of the question helps to focus on it and quickly find the appropriate answer.

Step 2

Select criteria for making a decision. When you are late for work, it is important whether it is safe to "catch" a car in this area, whether you have money to pay for the trip, whether you will really buy the time you need, whether your lateness is critical and it does not matter at all what brand the car will be, which you will ride.

Step 3

Refuse to forecast the situation in detail, admit that you cannot foresee all the factors and, yes, your decision may not be ideal, but it will be made based on the criteria that you currently have. No one can predict the future, so is it worth trying and every time to find yourself in the old fairy tale about "Clever Elsa"?

Step 4

Trust your instincts. Quick decision making in stressful situations is called “reactive”, because in this case the decision is not so much the result of mental effort as a reaction to a stimulus. A person makes such decisions on the basis of his previous experience, guided by the available data. According to the survey results, people who find themselves in crisis situations, after some time, are rarely satisfied with the decisions they have made, even though they were not only correct, but also the only possible ones. Remember - there are no ideal solutions, but the one "who wishes and does not act, breeds the plague."

Step 5

Be confident in yourself. Sometimes you are prevented from making a decision by the fear of making a mistake, exposing yourself to ridicule, and seem incompetent, but if you are repeatedly unable to promptly respond to a request from the outside, then you will most likely be misunderstood. “The one who does nothing is not mistaken” - who does not know this proverb? Time after time postponing the decision, you will not earn yourself a reliable reputation, but, on the contrary, will be known as an unreliable, slow-witted person.

Step 6

Visualize the results of your decision. Learn to draw in your mind a picture of what will happen after you act in a certain way. Choose the solution whose consequences are optimal for you.
