What Are Fire Extinguishers

What Are Fire Extinguishers
What Are Fire Extinguishers

In accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, all buildings, structures and vehicles must be equipped with fire extinguishing equipment, and primarily fire extinguishers. To choose the right fire extinguisher, you need to know what types of fire extinguishers are available and when they should be used.

What are fire extinguishers
What are fire extinguishers

A fire extinguisher is the primary extinguishing agent. A typical fire extinguisher looks like a red balloon with a tube or nozzle. When a fire extinguisher is put into action, a substance capable of extinguishing the fire is ejected from its nozzle under high pressure. Fire extinguishers are classified according to the method of delivery to the fire site, the type of fire extinguishing agents, the principle of their displacement, the pressure level of the displacing gas and the possibility of restoring the technical resource.

By the method of delivery to the place of fire

According to the method of delivery to the place of fire, fire extinguishers are divided into portable and mobile. Portable fire extinguishers weigh up to 20 kg, they can be hand-held, knapsack and throw-away. The operator holds hand-held fire extinguishers in his hands, carries backpacks behind his back, and throws those to be thrown into the combustion zone. Mobile fire extinguishers weigh more than 20 kg, they are a cart or platform on wheels, on which containers with fire extinguishing agent are installed.

By type of extinguishing agent

Fire extinguishers can be foam, gas or powder. Foam fire extinguishers are filled with air (80-90%) and foam (10-20%), they are effective for extinguishing class A and B fires. Gas extinguishers contain carbon dioxide, which is suitable for extinguishing class A, B and E fires. Powder extinguishers are charged fire extinguishing powder, which is effective in extinguishing fires of classes A to D.

By the principle of extinguishing agent displacement

According to the principle of extinguishing agent displacement, fire extinguishers are divided into injection, with a cylinder of compressed or liquefied gas, with a gas generating element, with a thermal element and with an ejector. The most common are injection fire extinguishers, from which the extinguishing agents are displaced by their own gases or vapors. To control the internal pressure, the injection fire extinguisher is equipped with a pressure gauge, the arrow of which should be in the green zone.

By the pressure level of the displacement gas

According to the pressure level of the expelling gas, fire extinguishers are divided into two types: low pressure and high pressure. In fire extinguishers of the first type at an ambient temperature of 20 degrees Celsius, the pressure is up to 2.5 MPa. In fire extinguishers of the second type at an ambient temperature of 20 degrees Celsius, the pressure ranges from 2.5 MPa and above.

If possible, the restoration of the technical resource

Whenever possible to restore the technical resource, fire extinguishers are divided into disposable and reusable. A disposable fire extinguisher is a fire extinguishing agent that cannot be repaired or refurbished after use. The life cycle of a reusable fire extinguisher can be extended by repairing and refueling. Parts of disposable fire extinguishers (housing, locking and starting device) are most often made of plastic, parts of reusable fire extinguishers are made of metal.
