Social policy is aimed at creating harmony in public relations and at the interaction of all spheres of society. It is the basis of the social infrastructure, which is reflected in its tasks, subjects and directions.

Social policy objectives
Social policy contributes to the harmony of social relations, expanded reproduction of the population, political stability and civil accord. All this becomes possible thanks to government decisions, social programs and events that are an integral part of the social infrastructure. The purpose of this policy is to increase the well-being of society, as well as to ensure a high quality and standard of living. This is characterized by indicators such as employment, education, health, housing, ecology, culture and income as a material source of livelihood.
Several tasks have been set for social policy. First, it is the distribution of goods, incomes, services and social and material conditions of population reproduction. Second, limiting inequality and poverty. Third, the provision of educational and medical services. Fourth, providing sources of income for those who do not have them for certain reasons. Fifth, improving the environment. Sixth, improving the quality and expanding the network of transport services.
Subjects of social policy
The subjects of social policy are the state and structures that form civil society, that is, enterprises, organizations and public associations. Today, social infrastructure cannot exist without these components. Among these subjects, the main role is assigned to the state, which is represented by various bodies operating at the local, regional and federal levels. It is they who determine the main directions of social policy, its tactics and strategy, and also provide the legal and legislative basis. Social activities that take place within firms and enterprises are of great importance in matters relating to social problems. They contribute to the implementation of social policy within narrow limits, but their role in this infrastructure is also very significant.
Directions of social policy
Legally, society guarantees the minimum of benefits that are necessary for the life of a person and a family. Of course, for different countries and at different periods of time, this minimum is not the same, so the social infrastructure is determined by the characteristics of a particular country, that is, its territory, climate, ideology, and so on.
Social policy plays an important role in relation to the monetary income of the population. It also affects the production of services and goods in sufficient quantities. Its main directions are the regulation of wages, maintenance of the educational and cultural level, health, and social security. All this allows us to confidently conclude that social policy is indeed the basis of social infrastructure.