Where Does The Financing Of Social Policy Come From?

Where Does The Financing Of Social Policy Come From?
Where Does The Financing Of Social Policy Come From?

The amount of funds allocated for social support of citizens directly depends on the level of economic development of the country. Funds for financing social programs are formed from the national income, which, in turn, is created by the able-bodied population, and then redistributed through the budgetary system and off-budget funds.

Where does the financing of social policy come from?
Where does the financing of social policy come from?

Trust extrabudgetary funds

1. Pension Fund of the Russian Federation. Funds for the formation of the fund come from insurance contributions from enterprises, limited liability companies, joint-stock companies, individual entrepreneurs, as well as contributions from those working under the contract system. The Fund's funds are intended to provide social support to the population in the form of pensions, benefits, and compensations.

2. Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation. Funds for the formation of the fund come from organizations and enterprises, as well as accepting voluntary contributions from legal entities or individuals. They are used to pay various social benefits, including spa treatment.

3. State Employment Fund of the Russian Federation.

The source of the fund is insurance contributions from the accrued wages of employees of an organization or an enterprise. Funds are used for professional retraining of the population, courses, employment. All three funds also use appropriations from the republican budget of the Russian Federation.

Budgetary appropriations

Budget funds are formed similarly to targeted extrabudgetary funds. Budgetary funds are formed in the form of deductions from the salaries of public sector employees. Budget funds are used to finance federal programs for social protection of the population, payment of pensions and benefits, organization and construction of housing for the elderly and disabled; to provide disabled people with rehabilitation means, prostheses, employment and others.

Non-governmental sources of funding

Another source of funds for social policy are public charitable foundations. Funds are formed at the expense of contributions from founders and citizens, or organizations, receipts from various kinds of entertainment events, income from entrepreneurial activities permitted by law and other receipts. Funds are used to help people with disabilities, large and single-parent families.

In addition to the main activity, social services can provide services to the population that will be paid for: caring for the sick, assistance in cleaning or repairing premises, processing the site, and others. From the funds received from the services provided, income is formed, which is used for the development and maintenance of social assistance departments.
