How To Beat Old Age

How To Beat Old Age
How To Beat Old Age

It is impossible to conquer old age. This is a natural process in the body. It can only be "delayed", and the years of old life can be made of high quality, rich and interesting.

How to beat old age
How to beat old age

Healthy lifestyle

You should keep your body in good shape, go in for sports. At the same time, it is not necessary to visit the gym, it is enough to take daily walks in the fresh air for one hour at a fast pace.

A person feels much healthier and younger if he eats more vegetables and fruits, rather than meat. At the same time, he does not consume alcohol and does not smoke. If it does, then it is very moderate.

Positive attitude

"Dancing, laughing and singing are the three best ways to fight old age!" - the slogan of the famous TV presenter Nikolai Drozdov. Indeed, when you look at this amazing person, it is hard to believe that he is already 77 years old.

As soon as sad and unpleasant thoughts appear, you should immediately recall the most pleasant moments in life. Psychologists call this technique "substitution" or "repression." People become happier by displacing bad emotions from life, replacing them with joyful ones.

Socializing with friends, reading interesting books, and watching good films can improve a positive attitude. The main thing is to watch the news less, in which terrible events are shown. The number of troubles in the world is immeasurable, and if you constantly pay attention to them, you can grow old very quickly.

Continue doing what you love

It is known that when a person continues to work until old age at his favorite job, he "wins" old age. But even after retirement, you can find a favorite pastime that will increase the motivation for life and make a person "younger".

You can start gardening. Self-grown vegetables and fruits bring a lot of positive emotions. In addition, this hobby involves systematic physical activity, which can also strengthen the well-being of such a summer resident.

Or you can make a four-legged friend. A cat or a dog, even a hamster - all these creatures are very devoted. They give a lot of joy to the owners. This means that they help them overcome old age and prolong their life.

Many elderly people continue to travel until their very old age. You don't have to have a lot of money for this. Wait until summer, put a backpack on your shoulders and go. In the vastness of Russia or the rest of the world, there are thousands of amazing and beautiful places where you can relax in body and soul, “recharge” your health and find a happy state of mind.

And you can and should have sex, more often discard the sense of self-importance, read stories about other elderly people who lead an active lifestyle and feel great.

For example, Leni Riefenstahl lived 101 years. She has worked most of her life as a professional filmmaker. But at the age of 71, she decided to take up diving and underwater photography. In the next 30 years, she made more than three thousand dives, and her photo albums "Miracle Under Water" and "Coral Gardens" brought her new fame and money.

A person of any age who has read such a story understands that many more interesting things can happen in his life. The main thing is not to succumb to laziness and despondency, and not to “write” yourself ahead of time as an old man.
