What A Happy Old Age Should Be

What A Happy Old Age Should Be
What A Happy Old Age Should Be

Happy old age is a state when you are far from young, but still healthy, lead an active lifestyle and can travel. And after traveling, return to your home, where relatives and friends are waiting for you.

What a happy old age should be
What a happy old age should be

Do not be sick

It is easier for a healthy person to be happy than a sick person. Therefore, more often than not, happy old age occurs among those people who, from an early age, looked after their own health, ate right, and went in for sports. And if a person did not smoke or drink alcohol, the chances of being healthy all his life increase significantly.

Own housing, personal space and money

When you have an apartment or a house, a personal cozy space in which you can retire and be alone is happiness. And in old age it is sometimes simply necessary. Happy old age is when a person does not need to constantly count pennies in anticipation of the next small pension. If you have a constant good income, and you can spend money not only on food, but also on entertainment, interesting books or travel, life will become much more joyful and brighter.

Life partner and children

An old person needs to have loved ones next to him: spouse, children, grandchildren. This does not mean that all relatives should be in the same apartment around the clock. You just have to be able to see your loved ones whenever you want. Rejoice in the success of relatives, celebrate family holidays with them. Feel needed.

Be in demand

Even after retirement, a person must lead an active lifestyle. You can help your granddaughter prepare lessons, grow delicious fruits and vegetables in your own garden, and then treat your family and friends with them, write interesting stories and publish them on the Internet. An active person will always be in demand. He will feel needed, and therefore happy.


There is a misconception that travel requires a lot of money. In fact, there are many very beautiful and interesting places in the same Russia. You can go to Altai, or boat trips along the Vuoksovsky spills and get an unforgettable experience, while spending a little money.

Keep desires

Andrei Mikhalkov-Konchalovsky said in an interview that in old age it is most important to keep desires. Indeed, with age, a person becomes calmer. And sometimes it's just lazier. Why go somewhere, do something when you can drink beer and watch TV? If you succumb to such a temptation, you can "fall asleep" very quickly. And less and less happy states will arise.

That is why it is so important to "wake up" yourself. It's just that at first you don't want to leave the house to play chess with your friends on the street. But when a person did this, breathed in fresh air, talked to interesting people, quiet joy, satisfaction and the feeling that not everything in this life is over, imperceptibly comes. There will still be warmth, light and happiness in life.
